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Yn's P.O.V~

I woke up with a throbbing head, ugh! The horrifying vision is still not leaving my mind making it hard for me bear the pain, I rubbed my sleepy eyes trying to see my surrounding clearly. I look around to see the others sleeping in the couch or beside the table in a sitting position, I look at my right to see a sleepy Tae, he look Soo eternal in this way, I tried to sit up but yelp when my head head started to  spin, and it felt dizzy, Tae Wakes up by my voice looking worriedly towards me,
Tae: Are you okay princess?
YN: my head- ugh!
Tae: Here take this tablet and water.
He passed me a pain reliving tablet and a glass of water, I took it and gulped the tablet and water, closing my eyes waiting for the medicine to work, after a moment I opened my eyes to look at other who are now awake by our voices, all of them wearing a worried expression.
Tae: Do you feel little better?
Yn: Yes, I am fine.
I smiled weakly at them,
Elena: You both talk we are now going downstairs.
Jin: Yes I will prepare the breakfast.
They all left the room silently, I look at Tae to find him spacing out.
Yn: Tae are you okay?
Tae: Yes I am fine.
Yn: Are you still angry on me for not telling you about this before.
Tae: No princess, I know you have a valid reason for hiding it.
He said smiling assuringly at me, I feel a L relief after hearing him, I really missed his voice, somehow I thought, I won't see him anymore.
Tae: Do you find any relief after drinking the medicine?
Yn: yes I feel less pain now?
Tae: are you ready to tell everything.......its okay if you are not ready.
I take a deep breath exhaling every kind of fear, I look deep into Tae's eyes to find the look which was telling me that he whould be there for me in every kind of situation, his eyes was telling me many unspoken words which his lips failed to say.
            To Be Continued.......

Author 💜❤~
Hey cupcakes, I am sorry for this late update, I was just busy with my school work, i hope my next update won't be delayed. See you all..... BYE

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