Vanya spoke up from the back of the group, "We need some rooms, please."

"Super." The man exclaimed. "And how will we be paying today?"

Everyone looked around at each other expectantly but no one pulled out any money. "Fine. Empty your pockets." Luther ordered.

Klaus pulled out condoms, Diego a knife, Vanya some mints, Kali had a rubber band, and Five had... teeth? Are those teeth or just some oddly shaped, white pieces of rubble...?

"Condom?" Klaus offered.

"Put the knife away!" Luther scolded Diego.

"Can't exchange those for cash." Klaus pointed out to Vanya.

Luther pulled a hair net out of his pocket and stared at it in confusion, "Why do I have a hairnet?" He shoved it back in his pocket. "Oh! All right." He took off his watch and handed it to the man. "What does this get us?"

The man took it and inspected it with a magnifying glass, he nodded to himself, set it down, and grabbed two keys. Allison walked back to the group, much to Kali's dismay. "Two rooms." He informed them and set the keys down on the counter in front of them. "Mazel tov."

Klaus grabbed a key and Allison shoved through everyone to grab a key, "All right. Well, let's Brady Bunch this bitch."

They all headed over to the elevator and Five looked around, "Uh, meet back in the bar in two hours so we can make a plan." Kali nodded and looked down at her feet as they walked.

Diego ran in front of everyone and stood on the stairs, "I have a plan. We attack the Sparrows, and we take back our house, and then we punch dad a bit until he admits that we're better and he loves us more. Boom! done." He shouted. "We're wasting time!"

Everyone walked past him and crammed into the elevator, Kali in the very corner with Five blocking her.

Klaus patted Diego's shoulder as he passed, "Relax. Don't sweat it, man. Those shit birds are staying put for a while. I bet they're a swiped as we are."


"Yeah. I mean, kicking our asses looked exhausting." He dragged out the last word.

Diego got in the elevator and the doors closed. Luther looked around, "The boys have one room to themselves and the girls can have the other." He stated randomly.

Everyone made sounds of agreement except Five who just looked back at Kali who was staring down at her hands and picking at her nails anxiously. She just wanted to get out of the elevator, she wasn't even listening to what they were talking about.

The elevator dinged open and Kali clutched Five's blazer sleeve in her fist again. They all stepped out and the rooms were luckily only 3 doors down. The boys unlocked their door and when Kali went to go with them, she heard Vanya's soft voice from beside her.

"You're sharing with us, Kali. Come on." She waved her over to the other room.

She hesitantly let go of Five's sleeve and he watched as she slowly made her way over to the other room. She walked into the room and took in all the details.

The walls were green and a salmon-coloured pink, there were two pink beds, one couch in the center of the room, two windows that poorly lit up the room, and three lamps that did absolutely nothing to provide light.

Vanya looked around, "It's not too small. It's definitely ugly."

Allison looked back at Kali, "What do you want, the bed or couch?" Kali bit her lip and scanned the room again, she didn't want to be in here. She would prefer being with her brothers and Five, she's more comfortable around them. "Well? Hurry up and pick." Allison said impatiently.

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