They had bought me so much. 

Too much.

I had never seen this many clothes in my life.

June lifted me up so that I could see everything they had bought, "Okay Owen, what do you want to try on first?" 

I looked at all the stuff and decided on a pair of black pants and a blue shirt.

June grabbed the things I picked out and then took me into the girl's bathroom. "Do you need help getting dressed or can you do it by yourself?" 

"I can do it by myself." 

She nodded and then headed out of the bathroom, "I'll be right outside the door if you need anything." 

I put on the clothes and they fit great! They weren't too big or too small. They also didn't look like a dress on me like the shirt I was currently wearing. 

I opened the door to show June and to my surprise, all four of them were outside. 

Janae looked at me and smiled."Aw Owen, you look so cute, I'm glad that they fit so well." 

"Do I have to try on all the clothes?" I asked "That will probably take all day to finish!" 

They all giggled at me. 

"No Owen, you don't have to try them all on. Why don't you pick out 3 more to try on and then we will call it a day." Oliver smiled. 

"Okay! Sounds good!" I then ran off to the girl's room to pick out 3 more outfits.

I took the clothes back into the bathroom and put them on one by one walking out to show the quads in between each outfit.

After the last outfit, I just decided to keep it on, it was a pair of Pajamas and they were so soft. 

Oakley came and picked me up, "Want to help Oliver and me make dinner? It's boys' night so we can eat whatever you want." 


Oliver smiled, "Well anything we can make without burning. I don't think the girls would be too happy if we burnt all the food." 

hmm, what do I want?

I hadn't had a good home-cooked meal in two years and I was really missing it. 

"How about spaghetti? My Grandma used to make the best spaghetti!" 

Oakley nodded, "We can do that." 

We started to make it and I was tasked with watching the water for it to boil. 

I was staring at the pot waiting for the water to boil and time felt like it had stopped, this was taking so long. 

Until FINALLY the water started bubbling up. 

"Oakley it's bubbling!! It's ready!!" I said with excitement.

He laughed a little at my excitement, "Okay Owen, thank you. How about you let me and Oliver finish the rest? You can go and set the table." 

"Okay! I went and got out all the plates and forks and cups and put them on the table. The problem was that the table only had four chairs and there were five of us. 

So I decided that I would just eat on the floor to let them have their space. 

Oliver walked over to the table where I was and looked down at me sitting on the floor with my stuff. "Owen bud what are you doing on the floor with your plate?" 

Could he not see that there were not enough chairs for all of us to sit on? "There's not enough room at the table for me so I'm just going to eat on the floor." 

He looked confused, "No Owen you're going to eat at the table with the rest of us. The floor is gross you can't eat there. You can sit with me and eat." He then helped me pick up my stuff and put it on the table. 

Wow, they were all so kind to me. 

Oakley then came out of the kitchen, "It's ready! Owen, can you go get the girls?" 

I nodded and then ran to June and Janae's room. "It's ready!!! Come on we made spaghetti!" 

They giggled at my excitement. I grabbed their hands and pulled them to the table where the boys had laid out all the food. 

They had the noodles and sauce in separate bowls so that you can decide how much sauce you wanted and then they had also made some yummy-looking garlic bread.

I sat with Oliver on his lap and he helped me scoop out the noodles. He filled up about half the plate and told me if I wanted more later I could get some more. 

He picked up the sauce bowl "How much sauce would you like Owen?" 

"Lots! I love sauce, it's the best part!" 

The whole table laughed at my excitement. 

"Okay buddy, here you go." Oliver smiled and gave me three whole scoops! 

I must be in heaven. 

The food was so good and I ate all of it super fast. 

June was not a fan of how fast I was eating "Slow down Owen, it's not going anywhere and you're going to give yourself a tummy ache." 

I didn't care, it was so yummy and I had missed having a good warm meal. 

I was a little sad when I was done but I was super stuffed and I think that I would have exploded if I had eaten anymore. 

"Thank you so much that was amazing!" I said to the whole table. 

They all smiled at me, "You're welcome Owen I'm glad you liked it." Oakley said standing up with a napkin in his hand. 

"You've got sauce all over your face." He laughed and wiped my face off. 

He then picked me up and carried me back over to the couch. "It's time for bed, why don't you go brush your teeth and then come lie down." 

I nodded and went into the girl's bathroom where my brand-new toothbrush was. 

I took my sweet time brushing, hoping to delay going to sleep. 

My plan was not going well because, after a few minutes, Oliver came into the bathroom. "Owen you don't need to brush your teeth for 10 minutes. Let's go." I put my toothbrush into the cup and then held Oliver's hand as he lead me into the living room.

All of them were there waiting on me. June was holding my blankets and pillow, they were so soft which got me a little excited again. 

I climb onto the couch and June pulled the blankets over me. "Goodnight Owen sleep well" and then placed a kiss on my forehead.



AN: Hello everyone, SURPRISE OWEN CHAPTER!! I hope yall like it because he's not going anywhere. 

By the end of this book I plan on having 8 main charters who have POV's and Owen is now 5/8

I apologize for the lack of updates, I just didn't have much motivation to write. I start school back tomorrow so I don't really know when my next update will be but I'm super grateful for all of you guys. 

We just hit 100 votes and I am so thankful for all of you who vote and comment. 

I love you guys <3

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