Chapter 23: Back Home

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During the night, the team went to bed for the night while they set course back to Corneria. Jimmy was in deep thought about the events that they experienced. That he will never forget blowing Panther's head off just to save Fox from getting shot. He never knew the emotion of taking someone's life, but they were bad evil individuals anyway.

After he got in his PJs, he decided to look at some planets through his telescope. He sees a few planets as he sees Sector X, as they were passing by and sees planet Macbeth. Just then, Krystal came in with a plate of cookies and milk and saw him observing the Lylat System.

"I see you saw a few of our planets." She says as she puts the plates.

"Sector X caught my interest." Jimmy says as he moved the telescope.

"It's used to be a place where a weapon that was made, but sector X is a place to collect salvage." Krystal explains.

"Really?" Jimmy asked.

"Yep, I'll tell you more about our planets tomorrow. Now it's time to hit the hay." Krystal says as she takes him to his bed.

Jimmy started eating the cookies and drank some milk before getting under the covers. Krystal decided to sleep with him for the night since she started to sense his PTSD a little after the last mission. She got in with him and pulled him into a cuddle before turning off the lights.

As a couple hours passed, Jimmy was starting to have a nightmare of seeing himself as a baby, but he couldn't remember well of his biological parent's faces while he was abandoned in a dumpster. It made him why as he never understood why his parents never wanted him. It started to get to him ever since Krystal started talking about it to Fox earlier. He finally woke up and still sees Krystal asleep on the other side of the bed.

He climbed down and went to the kitchen and poured some water from the faucet and took large gulps till the glass was empty and headed back to his bed. As he slept, he knew Krystal was the only and loving mother to him.

As it was morning, Falco finnaly woke up and noticed he was in the infirmary and was covered with a few bandages. He got out of bed and went to look for the rest of the team. They were having some breakfast in the dining room and were shocked to see Falco.

"Well, look who is finnaly awake." Katt says as she gives Falco a hug.

Everyone was happy to see he was doing okay, but Krystal wasn't since she wasn't sure that he learned his lesson of being mean to Jimmy earlier.

"How are you feeling?" Fox asked as he pats Falco on the back.

"A little sore, but thanks for saving me." Falco praises.

"No prob." Fox says.

When Falco sat down, Krystal got up from the table and took Jimmy with her.

"Come on Jimmy." She says as she takes his hand and leaves the kitchen.

"What's that about?" Falco asked.

"Well, she's still mad at you for being crude for Jimmy earlier." Peppy says.

"Look, I felt bad, I won't do it again." Falco says as he puts his hands up.

"Falco, don't you think you should apologize to Krystal and Jimmy for your negativity attitude." Katt suggested.

"She won't even talk to me. I bet she won't let me talk to him." Falco says.

"Just do it when you have a chance because we are also trying to fight for our homes from a parasite and I want everyone to get along on this. Please do it Falco." Fox explains and suggests.

"Fine, I'll do it." Falco says as he got up to get some coffee.

Later, the team finnaly arrived back home and landed in their hangar. Fox and the team headed to the General Peppers base to see Beltino to see if they can be able to find the Aparoids home planet. Krystal and Katt decided to take Jimmy to have some fun together in the city.

"So, Jimmy what do you want to have for lunch today?" Katt asked.

"Pizza?" He asked.

"I hope they sell salad as well." Krystal says.

"Come on Krystal, you should try some meat sometime." Katt says.

"Well, yeah but its very unhealthy. Salad has greens and good nutrition." Krystal says.

"If you insist." Katt says as she picked up Jimmy and puts him over her shoulders.

They headed to a pizza restaurant, and they took a seat while they waited for a waiter to take their order. Jimmy was looking at the menu and not sure what to order. Katt was thinking of ordering a pepperoni Pie for everyone while Krystal decided to order some salad as well since she wanted Jimmy to eat healthy as well.

"Is pepperoni alright for you?" Katt asked.

"Sure, that will be great." Jimmy answers.

"I'll order this family salad as well, it's good for you as and I want you eat some of it." Krystal says.

"I will." Jimmy promises.

"Sounds like you are a mom to him now." Katt jokes.

"Because I am his mother." Krystal says.

"Hello, how can I take your order?" A female shark asks as she brought out her notepad.

They ordered and the waiter wrote it down and gave them their drinks.

"Your order will be ready momentarily." The waiter says before she leaves.

They waited and Jimmy was bored and passes time by playing on Krystal's phone. Katt tried to break the awkwardness by starting a conversation.

"So, Krystal what are you planning to do after finishing this Aparoid mission?" Katt asked.

"Well, Fox and I have been thinking about settling down in an actual home, our relationship is going well, but just a concern since he's always uptight with his job all the time." Krystal explains.

"His father is the reason why he wants to follow his footsteps of protecting innocent lives in space." Katt explains.

"Yeah, I know." Krystal answers.

"Don't worry. Fox is a great guy. He thinks about you first every day." Katt spoke.

"I know. I read his mind every day." Krystal jokes.

Just then, their food arrives, and Krystal gave jimmy a few slices and a side dish of the salad and pampered him like any mother would do. Katt tried not to laugh as she ate a slice. Krystal told Jimmy to open wide as she gave him some salad with ranch, and he ate it.

"Krystal, he's not three you know." Katt says.

"I know, I just want to enjoy this." Krystal says.

Jimmy was a little embarrassed of how Krystal is to him, maybe because she wants to mess with him in a mothering way. But Krystal was trying to prove that she wanted him to know that she wanted to be a mom to him, but not understanding she is over doing it a little.

After lunch, they decided to hang around the city for a bit and Krystal wanted to buy Jimmy some new clothes and thinking of taking him to get a haircut since his hair was getting long, but Jimmy didn't like that idea at all.

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