Chapter 22: Defense

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   It was total chaos in the city of humans and anthros running for their lives as Aparoids started destroying the city and causing destruction. Krystal started firing at the swarm and took down a few. Stan helped by slashing them into pieces with his Gamerknight sword.

"There is too many of them!" Slippy shouted as he took a couple more down.

"Don't give up! The United States Air Force and the Cornerian forces are on their way. We just need to hold off the Aparoids till they get there." Peppy explains as he shoots a bomb at an Aparoid swarm.

"Don't worry! I got them!" Stan shouted as he tried to fight another swarm coming at their location.

   Meanwhile, Katt tried to hurry back to The Great Fox at the airport hangar to get Jimmy to safety until a mega Aparoid fired a Mega laser at them. They unfortunately got hit and crashed into a clothes store. Jimmy woke up and saw Katt unconscious and tried to wake her up.

Katt! Wake up!" Jimmy shouted as she shook her a little on the shoulders.

She moaned and woke up in pain as she felt a huge gash on her forehead.

"You, okay?" Jimmy asked with concern.

"I'm fine sugar. Come on. We better get to safety. And for that, just remember to aim carefully." Katt says as she gave him her spare blaster from her crashed ship.

"Don't worry. I just shot Panther in the head." Jimmy said.

"Please don't mention that." Katt says as she leads.

   They ran out of the store, and they were a few Aparoids attacking a few people and Jimmy fired and killed one small Aparoid. Katt then shot a few of them down and they tried to make it back to the airport on foot. It was only two miles away north from where they are and many Aparoids invading the city.

"Stay behind me." Katt says as she started moving across the street where there were many crashed vehicles and everyone screaming for their lives.

   A few Aparoids started to marge themselves into a few cars and became more invincible and more aggressive. Jimmy fired at one of them, but it didn't affect them by the thick armor from the car merge. They started running down the highway and tried to get through the crowd. Jimmy tripped onto the intersection and an out-of-control car was coming at him.

Katt was fast and pulled him out of way before the car crashes into a building.

"You, okay?" Katt asked as helped him stand up.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok, climb on my shoulders. We're almost there." Katt says as she put him on her shoulders and ran to the airport.

   Meanwhile, the team did their best fighting off the Aparoids in the air but more just kept coming. Stan flies down and kills a few Aparoid spawners and some on the surface trying to attack some civilians. Krystal then got worried that Katt and Jimmy were trying to make it back to the airport on foot after they crashed.

"Fox, Peppy, Stan. I need to go save Jimmy and Katt right now! They crashed!" Krystal shouted.

"Go. We got it from here." Fox says as he shoots down an Aparoid ship.

  Krystal flies her Arwing to their location and sees them surrounded. Jimmy shot down a few Aparoids in the head coming close. Katt tried to hold them off as well but, there was too many of them. Krystal goes down fast and fired at them and saves Katt and Jimmy in time.

  She lands and helps them get in the Arwing and hurried back to the Great Fox. Just then, the calvary has arrived. Cornerian forces, and the U.S military has arrived in the fray.

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