1. The Queen

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''Where is the queen? I had hoped to pay my respects." Jason Lannister questioned glancing around.

''I understand the Queen is still readying herself for the celebrations." Viserys informed him.

"This is why men wage war... because women would never be ready for the battle in time.'' Jason remarked with a chuckle

''Your presence is always such a pleasure, Lord Jason.'' Rhaenyra remarked stiffly.

''Princess... Your Grace.''

Alicent was sick and tired of her life. She was the queen of seven fucking kingdoms yet her life was misery. She had no friends. A husband she didnt love. Two children that she couldnt stand to look at. Whenever she saw them she saw her awful wedding night and being mounted.

Tears streaming down her face she didnt want this to be her life.

"Oh im so sorry I was looking for the-"

''Wait!'' Alicent demanded. ''Who are you?"

''Alisha. Alisha Turnberry. Im a baker. I bake. I got all turned around though. Some of my friends call me Ali though...'' She didnt know why she kept speaking.

''Come here.'' Alicent demanded.

''Oh wow.'' Alisha whispered. ''I never met the queen- you I never. I just... wow.''

''You see it too?" Alicent asked

''Hard not to.'' Alisha agreed. ''You could be my twin. Or I yours, your grace.''

''Where are you from lady Alisha Turnberry?" Alicent questioned.

''Lys. And im no lady.'' Alisha answered. ''But originally from Braavos-"


''Yes its an island off-''

''I know where it is.'' Alicent corrected. ''Why are you here? In westeros ?"

''Im a baker. I made the cake. Im set to sail back after the wedding.'' Alisha remarked confused.

''Do you have family? In Lys? A husband... children you need to get back to?" Alicent pondered.

"Heavens no, I wish. I always wanted children." Alisha answered. "but... No. My gran died thats why I came here for work. Im heading to Lys to tend to the house and the animals. A royal wedding. My pockets will be full for years. We all take care of each other but I spent a lot of time with my gran. Everyone loved her always bringing food or blankets medicine. Im hoping to make some real friends when I go back.'' She added wishing she would stop rambling this was the queen after all.

''Where were you before?''

''Baarvos. I never stay in one place for too long but I make temporary friends everywhere I go.'' Alisha remarked. ''Its lonely but as I said-" shut up Alisha, shut up. Her mind screamed out.

''How would you like to stay? Alicent countered


''How would you like to be the queen?'' Alicent questioned. "The queen of the seven kingdoms.''

Alisha stared back at her blankly. Surely she wasnt being serious.

''I'm afraid I don't understand.'' Alisha offered.

''You be me and I be you.'' Alicent begged.

''You dont want to be queen?''

''I never did.'' Alicent agreed

"You have two children." Alisha recalled.

"Love them for me, love Viserys the king he is a kind man.''

I Think He Knows // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now