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Not sure why her path crossed mine
Accident or grand design
Maybe God just kinda likes
Cowboys and angels
We ride side by side
A cloud of dust, a ray of light
My touch is her temptation
Her kiss is my salvation
She's sweet, I'm wild, we're dangerous
Cowboys and angels

About a year later

"Jake, honey?  Are you ready to go?" Beckham calls from the bathroom.

I finish tying my bow tie and join her in the bathroom.  "I am indeed, short stack.  Ari and Austin are enjoying tummy time with Nana and Emmy Jett is piled up with Pops watching Bluey."  I went ahead answered the questions I knew were next with a smile.  "You look stunning, darlin'."  And I'm not lying in the slightest, she's all dolled up in a deep red dress, and even though the twins are only 3 months old, I wanna put another baby in her immediately.  She cut her hair off not long after the twins were born and it's so hot on her.  Austin Bradley and Aurora Trace were born on January 14th and have been nothing but joy since they entered the world. We were absolutely shocked to discover Beck was pregnant with twins, but so excited too.  Their middle names are in honor of their godparents, who also happen to be the pair getting married tonight.  My mom and dad flew in to keep the kids this weekend so we could enjoy some time away, just the two of us.  Life has been the best kind of chaotic since we found out about the twins. Beckham decided to retire once we discovered there were two of the nuggets in there and she's settled into the stay at home mom role phenomenally.  Thankfully, she hasn't struggled with PPD this time around, though I was ready to tackle it head on with her if it did decide to show its ugly face again.

"Jacob Seresin, I know that look.  We have 3 under 3, my uterus needs a small break," she teases as she kisses me on the cheek. 

"But you're so hot.  Especially full of my babies," I pout back and she laughs. 

"You and your obsession with keeping me pregnant, cowboy.  One might think you have a breeding kink."  Beckham smirks as she returns her gaze to the mirror and finishes applying her mascara.

"I'm just kidding, angel.  Kinda. Maybe. I'd be happy if we were done now, I love our babies and the life we've built.  You are extra sexy when you're pregnant though," I wink when I catch her eye through the mirror.  She backhands my stomach playfully before she turns to me once again. 

"Alright, let's get out of here before we're late!  The matron of honor and best man being late wouldn't be a good look," she turns to leave and I smack her ass.

"I hate to see you go, but damn do I love to watch you leave!" I tell her as I admire her very fine ass and she giggles.

"Ever the charmer, my love.  Let's go kiss the babies bye."

Each kiddo is smothered in kisses between their mommy and me, then Beckham and I are hugged tightly by my own mama. 

"Mama pwetty!" Emmy Jett exclaims from her Pops' lap. 

"Thank you, my little love.  You gonna be a sweet girl for Nana and Pops?" Beckham asks her, tickling her belly and makes her giggle. 

"Yes mama!  I be so sweet!"

"Ok so you know where everything is, their schedule is on the fridge even though I know they'll be spoiled and probably won't be held to it.  Text us if you need anything!  Love you guys," Beckham gives my mom one more hug and kisses my dad on the cheek since he's still tucked into the recliner with our oldest. 

"You two have fun!  I'll be sure to send pictures if you're missing these cuties.  See y'all tomorrow, we love you too!" My mama says as she hugs me and shoos out the door. 

I lead Beckham to the truck, her hand in mine, and help her into her seat.  I climb in, start the truck, and head off towards the venue Natasha and Bradley chose.  I begrudgingly separate from Beck so we can go to the designated rooms until the ceremony starts.  I walk in the door and am greeted by the happy faces of Rooster, Fanboy, Payback, Coyote, Mav, and Natasha's brothers, Nate and Nick.  The energy is joyful and we're all so excited they're finally tying the knot.

"How're your feet, chicken?" I ask the man of the hour.

"Toasty warm.  I can't wait to marry her, it's been such a long time coming," he responds with a smile. 

"Don't we all know it, we've all known you belonged together since our first cycle at Top Gun. If there's anyone that could rival mine and Beck's soulmate destiny, it'd be you two," I tell him with nudge of my elbow to his side.

Bradley laughs, "I think you might be right my friend. Who would have thought back then that you'd be my best man now? I certainly would have laughed in the face of whoever told me that!"

"Right? I wouldn't have expected you to be able to get off your perch and keep up with me! In all seriousness, I'm so happy for y'all. We couldn't have asked for better godparents to the kids. Love you dude."

We go in for the typical man hug with back slaps included.

"Love you too, bro. Let's go see our girls, yeah?"

Bradley asks with a smile and we happily head to our spots at the front of the church. The ceremony is sweet, Natasha looks beautiful, and I can't keep my eyes off of my stunning wife the entire time. I have no control over the flirtatious looks I send her way and I love the ones she's sends back. We join together and make our exit after Nat and Brad then smile for loads of pictures. Beckham and I make out entrance into the reception, we practice a ridiculous dance and it brought the laughter we had hoped for. We have fantastic dinner, cake, and spend a ton of time dancing. The party eventually starts to wind down and the DJ is playing one last slow song. I pull Beckham close, holding her tightly to me as we sway in slow circles.

"Thank you for the life you've given me, angel. I love you so much." Leaning down, I press a kiss to her lips, hoping it conveys all I feel.

"Hey, it took two of us to build it. I couldn't have done it without you. I love you, cowboy. Here's to forever."

Beckham's lips find mine again and I know this is where I belong. Whatever souls are made of, ours are the same.

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