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I ain't scared of nothin'
Scared of nothin, scared of nothin', no
I ain't ever runnin'
Never runnin', never runnin', no
Pick up my pride, I'm ready to fight
I'm seein' red, I'm in control
So go ahead and throw me to the wolves

The Wolves x Madeline Edwards

37 weeks pregnant

We finally made our way by the marker that my OB wanted me to pass to keep Emmy cooking and I couldn't be happier.  I've spent the last few weeks worried I'd go into preterm labor, but now I welcome the thought of her making her way into the world because I'm so over feeling like hammered shit. Everything is swollen, I can never drink enough water, always have to pee, I've had a constant migraine the last 4 days between the headache and vision changes, and I wanna puke almost as much as I did the first trimester.  I'm so over it.  I really can't do much more than lay down all the time with how bad I feel and I'm definitely hoping for good news at my doctors appointment tomorrow.  I'm sure I've been driving Jake insane with how grumpy I am, because I'm even annoyed with myself.  I snap at everything he says or does and cry immediately after when I apologize.  I've also used the phrase "you put this baby in, you're gonna help get her out!" more than I'd like to admit and thankfully, he's still willing to have sex with me.  I'm a mess, little nug needs to come on out. 

I'm in the middle of another mini meltdown over the fact that I want a nerds slush from Sonic as I lay in Jake's lap while he rubs my belly when his phone rings. 

"Commander Seresin," he answers the phone with his stern work voice.  Dammit why is that so hot?!  His eyes shift down to me and back
Up as he listens to whoever is on the phone, his hand stilling on my belly.  "Uh, yeah.  Give me just one second."

With a sigh, he puts his phone on mute and locks his eyes with mine.  "They need me on base regarding a report on our last mission.  Apparently I missed a signature or something and they need to me to run in real quick and get it taken care of.  Apparently they wanted it knocked out before I'm officially on leave.  Is that ok with you?  If not, I'll tell them to wait until after your appointment tomorrow," Jake explains, a frown creasing his handsome face.

"You go ahead, babe.  Just means you can pick me up a slush on the way home and I can soak in the rub while you're gone.  Maybe it'll drain some of the craziness out of me," I smirk at him. 

"You're sure?" He asks.

"Absolutely," I smile up at him. 

He takes the phone off of mute and returns to the phone call.  "Alright, I'll be there in 20.  Have it ready to I can be in and out."

He moves to help me shift off of his lap and he rises up off of the couch.  "One route 44 ocean water slush with nerds coming right up!  Any other requests?" Jake asks as he bends down to kiss me. 

"Hmmm, go ahead and throw in some mozzarella sticks and I think I'll be golden.  Thank you, honey" I reply with a kiss.

"Stay out of trouble while I'm gone, ok short stack?"

"I'm a beached whale Jacob.  I move too slow to even be able to find trouble before you get home.  Now shoo, mama's thirsty!" I swat at his butt. 

"Love you, Angel," he tells me with another kiss. 

"Love you more, cowboy," I smile back at him.

From my place on the couch, I hear the garage door open, his truck engine rumble to life, then the garage door close again after he backs out.  I finally manage to pry myself off of the cushion a few minutes later to, shocker, go pee again.  I make a pit stop in the half bath by the front door so I don't have to waddle as far on a full bladder.  After my potty break, I stop in the kitchen to refill my giant water bottle.  I start towards my bedroom, ready to follow through with my previous intention to try and soak the miserable bitch out of me when I hear a knock on the front door.  With a heavy sigh, I turn around and wobble my way back to the front door.  With every step I take, all my brain can hear is the lyrics to that goofy but catchy song from like 15 years ago. 

Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble

I look and feel like a morbidly obsess penguin, I swear.   More knocks sound against the door and I try to pick up my pace.

"I'm comin!  Calm down, damn," I mutter.  I look through the peephole on the front door and don't see anything so I huff and turn towards the hallway once again.  My back isn't even fully to the door when the knocking starts again. I throw the door open to find an empty porch.

"What the fuck?" I grumble as I step out to look around.  Must be ding dong ditchers, pain in the ass kids.  Gross, I sound like the old man that would yell "get off my lawn!" when I was a kid.  My hand is about to land on the door handle when I feel a sharp pain at the back of my head, then everything goes black.


I pull up to the records building on base to find every door locked.  Huh, maybe they're on lunch.  But they knew I was coming, so someone should be here.  I pick up my phone and tap the number I had gotten the call from. 

"We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please try your call again later."

The automated voice is punctuated with a busy tone, and my stomach drops. 

Beckham and Emmy are in danger, I can feel it in my bones.

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