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Little work tryin' to settle em down
But there's something bout
Them boys with a little twang saying hey
Two-finger wave down a two lane baby
Singing along to some country gold
Shooting the bull over something cold
Sounds more than a little like his old man
Somethin' sexy bout the way he says yes ma'am
Even sweeter when you hear em sweet talk
You fall fast for a boy with a slow drawl

Slow Drawl x Jenna Paulette

28 weeks pregnant

We finally closed on our house a few weeks ago and made the decision to do all the painting and redecorating before moving out of the townhouse.  We'd finally finished moving everything and will be officially moving in tonight.  As a wedding and baby gift from the team and their spouses, they planned a surprise nursery that we haven't seen and aren't allowed to see until the baby shower, which is next week.  At first, I put up a little bit of a fuss that we were doing it so early in the pregnancy, but they all convinced me because they were too excited to wait to show us the nursery.  Plus, that'll give us time to get all of the stuff we need while we're moving into house since my nesting urge has started to kick in.  In buying the new house, we were super cautious- probably overly so- to cover our tracks so Todd and the HOC won't be able to track us down via public records.  I'm still overwhelmingly unnerved by the fact we haven't caught him yet, but the whole team is working on it as best as we can.  Speaking of the team, since Jake was promoted, Uncle Mav has finally decided to retire and plans on having Jake fill his role once he officially steps down.  He says it's because he's ready to settle down, but I really think he made the decision so Jake won't have to transfer with the promotion and he'll get to be home more with Emersyn coming soon.

Since the baby shower is obviously including everyone, the team has dubbed it a Baby-Q and it'll be hosted at our new house so the team can reveal their gift.   In true team fashion, we're not allowed at our own house until the shower so they can get it all set up.  I'm beyond excited to finally be in our home and see the nursery, I can't wait to see what they all put together.  I'd be extremely nervous if Nat, Penny, Vee, and Jenna weren't also involved given that they're literally putting the entire thing together.  Furniture, paint, wallpaper, bedding, decor, all of it.  As previously mentioned, since we're moving into the house tonight and everything else has been brought over, Jake and I stayed in an extremely fancy hotel room last night to treat ourselves.   I feel a calloused palm slide over my ever growing bump and roll into the warmth that is Jake Seresin. 

"Mmmm, good morning, my handsome husband," I smile as I murmur into his ridiculously cut chest.

"Good morning, my gorgeous wife.  How's my favorite girl this morning?" Jake hums into my neck, his breath tickling me and making me giggle. 

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you call me your wife.  Makes my heart all squishy...and admittedly my panties wet," I smirk up at him as my hand rubs slowly down his chest and towards the elastic of his boxers. 

"You're nothing but trouble, angel," Jake lets out a low groan.

"It's a good thing for me that you're notorious for finding yourself in trouble then, isn't it?"

Suddenly, I'm flipped onto my back with Jake's broad frame settled between my legs and my hands pinned above my head.  Jake is holding my wrists together in one of his large palms and is tracing circles up my inner thigh with the hand not locked around mine.  The featherlight touch lights my skin on fire and instinctively roll my hips up towards his hand in search of friction. 

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