Twenty Six

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Now he's wrapped around her finger
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that sweet little Beautiful, wonderful, perfect
All-American girl

All American Girl x Carrie Underwood


I married an absolute badass. I've known she could handle herself from the moment I met her, but I'm blown away with how strong she was over the last 24 hours. Surviving yet another kidnapping, going into labor while captive, stabbing shithead and escaping, then getting herself here and then having our daughter? She puts me and the rest of the crew to shame. I sit back and stare at her, finally racked out in the hosptial bed, and cuddle Emmy Jett closer to my chest. I've come to love the skin to skin bonding between us and see it being a regular thing when we get home too.

"You got the best mama in the whole wide world, little girl. I hope you turn out just like her," I murmur to the little squish on my chest. She grunts and wiggles against me in response. I spend the next little bit alternating between rubbing her soft head full of hair and then trailing my fingers up and down her back. She lets out the cutest little coos, seemingly satisfied by the attention, and I chuckle. "Already just like your mama, she loves that too," I tell her as I kiss her sweet face. She starts to stir and fuss, which makes beck wake up.

"I think someone's hungry," she says from the bed, quickly catching my attention. "Damn, cowboy. You look good with a baby on your chest," she smirks at me as she undoes her gown, ready to nurse Emmy. I hand the baby over to her mama, slightly upset I have to let go of her, and she quickly latches on.

"You're one to talk, you were made to have a baby on yours. I didn't think it was possible, but I think I just fell in love with you a little bit more," I smile down at Beck and then lean in to give her a gentle kiss.

"It's funny, I'm used to having you latched to me and now your girl is. The best plot twist to ever happen," Beckham smiles down at Emmy Jett, lovingly smoothing down her hair.

"I discovered she loves that and me rubbing her back, just like her mama," I tell Beck, my hand joining hers in rubbing her back.

"What can we say? Daddy's got the magic touch, huh?" she coos at Emmy and she happily enjoys her lunch. When she's done, Beckham sits up to burp her and I reach my hands out.

"Mind if I do it? You need all the rest you can get," I ask.

"You just wanna hold the baby," she smirks back at me. "But go ahead, I'm gonna have plenty of other opportunities while you're at work eventually. Just make sure she doesn't spit up on you!"

With my sweet, tiny girl back in my hands, I use the hold the nurse taught us earlier today. Her tiny jaw rests between my thumb and pointer finger and her little butt is on my knee when I start gently patting her back. She lets out a couple of impressive burps, then her little eyes flutter closed, ready to drift back off into snoozeville. The rest of the day passes in similar fashion, as does the following night. We're discharged the following morning, both Beckham and Emmy Jett the pictures of health, and I happily tote Emmy out in her carrier while Beckham is (begrudgingly) rolled out in a wheelchair.   Emmy chilled in her carrier on her mama's lap while I pulled the car around and loaded all of our stuff into the trunk. 

"How am I gonna be less of a fall risk when I get home than I am right now? This is stupid," came from my annoyingly independent wife. I shot the nurse a sympathetic smile. Thankfully she and Beckham had worked together previously so she just laughed it off, threatening to have the doctor put her back on bedrest if she didn't behave. Beck shaped up pretty quickly after that, knowing she was absolutely serious. I click Emmy's carrier into the base in the Yukon while Beckham buckles herself in.  I meticulously triple checked all latches and buckles, making sure my tiny girl would be safe for the ride home. 

"I'm so ready to shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own bed," Beckham sighs from the passenger seat on the drive home.

"You and me both, angel.  What are you thinking, bassinet or Dock-A-Tot for the little nug?" I ponder Emmy's sleeping situation aloud. 

"Depends, who do you wanna snuggle more?  Me or the baby?" Beck chuckles as she questions me.  "Easy, killer.  You're gonna have a permanent crease between your brows if you think any harder."  She pushes against the aforementioned spot, making it relax.  "How about I make it easy for you?  Bassinet on your side of the bed so you can hold me and keep an eye on Emmy Jett?"

I let out a breath of relief I didn't realize I was holding.  "I don't mean to be so helicopter dad-ish, I'm sorry sweetheart.  I just- the thought of almost losing you hasn't been as easy to get past as I thought it would be.  I just gotta keep a close eye on y'all a little bit longer, just until I go back to work.  Let me know if it's too much and I'll back off, ok?"

I can feel Beckham's gaze soften on the side of my face.  "No worries, honey.  I understand.  I got to keep her safe and feel her move to know she was ok, now that she's earth side it's your turn for a little bit.  This mama needs a damn nap!"  She leans over and places a kiss on my cheek as we pull into the driveway.  Thankfully, Mav and Penny and the rest of the crew made sure the house was clean and ready for our arrival so we don't have to worry about seeing Beck's blood on the doorstep.  Honestly I might have thrown up if I had to see it again, it's definitely something I hope I never have to see again.  The garage door rolls closed as I walk to the backseat to grab Emmy, making Beck promise to wait until I can help her to get out. 

Beckham stands by her previous statement of wanting to shower more than anything, so we deposit little miss in her bassinet in the bathroom, in direct view from the shower.  Beck acts surprised when I slip in behind her.

"Did you really think I would break the habit of me taking care of you?" I arch a brow at her.

"I mean...I'm kinda gross.  Haven't had an honest shower in 3 days, I got this weird pregnant but not belly, my boobs are hugely swollen and leaking, and I'm bleeding," she shrugs, making me frown.

"Beckham Emory Seresin, I know you did not just say that.  You just kicked all kinds of ass, then had our perfect girl.  I, for one, am a fan of your swollen boobs.  I knew they were gonna look hot as hell, plus Emmy Jett's belly is nice and full, so I'd be willing to bet she's a fan too.  You're just as gorgeous as the day I met you, if not more, since every little change to your body is because you baked our little nugget to perfection.  As far as you bleeding goes, it's not my first rodeo.  You had at least two periods of us hooking up before you got pregnant plus literal years of me taking care of you during shark week before that.  I'm wholly unbothered.  Now, let me take care of you and love on you as much as I can before you take a well deserved nap until it's time for Emmy to eat next.  Deal?"

Beckham sniffs, eyes watery.  "Deal."

I do exactly as I said, gently washing her hair and body and leaving soft kisses across her shoulders, cheeks, nose, and forehead as I work before I tuck her into bed and roll the bassinet to the bedside.  Beckham curls into my side, and we're both out before we can think twice about it.

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