Twenty Three

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Scope on the beam, no motion picture, hit you from distance
We came out the trenches with extensions, God as my witness
And I gotta get that first shot off before that bullet hit me
Ain't gotta worry about lookin' back when my squad with me

Is You Ready? x Migos


Ok, maybe I'm overreacting. I'll just call Beck real quick. She's gonna pick up and I'm gonna feel like an anxious yet relieved moron.

I hit her contact, the line trying to connect to her.

It rings. And rings. And rings. Then goes to her voicemail.

So I try again, the same result. Then again.

Alright, I'm officially not being dramatic. I pull up the group text and shoot off a message that will have everyone springing into action.

911. Meet at the house ASAP, I think Beck's in trouble

I get an array of acknowledgments ranging between 10-4 and thumbs up on the message, so I hop in the truck and rush home, probably going at felony level speeds.  I pull up at and find the front door open, no sign of Beck.  Phoenix and Rooster pull up a minute later and find me sitting on the edge of the porch with my head in my hands, trying to fight off the panic attack I feel coming.

"What's going on, Jake?  Where's Beck?" Phoenix asks in her usual calm nature, her hand softly landing on my shoulder.

"Ok so I know I'm gonna sound insane for this, but I got a vague call earlier to come back to base to sign some paperwork and when I got there, the  building was empty.  I tried calling the number back and it's disconnected, then I called Beckham and she didn't pick up.  The door was open and she's not here.  There's blood by the front door," my voice cracks over the last few words. 

The rumble of Maverick's motorcycle comes to a screeching halt at the curb and he runs up to us.  Rooster fills him in while Phoenix tries to soothe me.  Maverick is immediately on the phone, pulling every string his hands have access to in order to find Beckham.

"The local PD and MPs are on their way.  They're putting out a missing person's report right now, but they did ask we stay outside until they can get here to try and...investigate the scene of the crime."

Maverick looks like he's about to puke as he finishes his sentence.  Cops are at the house within minutes, taking statements and asking questions.  Thankfully, they're aware of what we're involved in and are utilizing every resource available.  There's a news release across every channel, interrupting whatever broadcast is currently crossing the airwaves.  One of the officers asks if I have any way to access her location, so I pull up Life360 that shows her phone is still here.  I remember the tracker in the bracelet and quickly pull that app up as well, feeling hope rise in my chest.  It vanishes as quickly as it appears when the location pings at the house too.

"She doesn't leave the house without her phone or that bracelet, there's no way she went anywhere willingly.  I'm sure you've been made aware of the complaint we filed against one of your local detectives a few weeks ago and I have could absolutely see him wanting to cause her harm," I explain to the officer who has been talking to me.  An MP runs up, distress clear across his face as he addresses me.  The group gathers around me, anxious to hear what he has to say. 

"Commander, I've just been given word that Karrie Jones was released from police custody 3 days ago.  She hasn't checked in, won't pick up her phone, and isn't at the address she provided when she was let go."

"Why the actual FUCK were we not notified about this?!  She shouldn't have even be released, but we should have been notified at minimum!" I rage.  That's when I lose it, my knees buckle and Rooster and Mav are quick to keep me from hitting the ground, then deposit me back on the porch.  Rooster crouches in front of me, pure rage in his eyes. 

"Jake, you gotta get your head straight.  Beckham and Emmy need you.  We are going to find whoever the fuck took them, and we are going to destroy them.  We can't do this without you, and I know you'd be mad as hell down the road if you couldn't get your head out of your ass long enough to take down the son of a bitch responsible.  You get 3 minutes to panic, talk yourself down, then get into the let's fuck shit up headspace.  You read me?"

"10-4," I manage, and he leaves me to do as he instructed.  While I get my shit together, the crew comes up with a plan.  The police will be reviewing any and all video footage available in the surrounding areas while we'll break into groups to search for her.  Rooster and Phoenix are going to Carter's house, I'm going to find his partner, and Mav is gonna stay here to coordinate with law enforcement and call around to all the hospitals to see if there's anyone matching her description and to be on the lookout. 

I pull into the station that Carter is based out of and am brought to the desk of his partner, Detective Jared Vasquez.  He offers some insight about the recent changes to his behavior, he's been erratic, irritable, and completely unfocused.  Apparently he's made quite a few mistakes over the last few months, and mine and Beckham's complaint, which was heavily corroborated by the entire cafe, landed him on unpaid leave for the foreseeable future pending internal investigation.  Jared is a super nice guy and tells me he never liked how he treated Beckham, that he always held a high respect for her, and promises he'll let me know if he catches wind of anything related to Carter when we exchange information. 

I return home, disappointed with the lack of useful information I uncovered, but grateful Jared is happy to help.  Rooster and Phoenix check in, advising he isn't home and will try to track him down at some of his known hangouts.  I pull into the driveway, littered with cop cars and officers who are now fighting off swarms of reporters.  Fucking vultures, I think to myself in disgust.  Mav informs me that none of the local hospitals have anyone matching her description, which is both relieving and not. 

Hours pass in both a blur and like molasses while I nervously clean weapons and load myself down in my tac gear.  Suddenly, Mav comes busting into the garage breathing heavily, the team having setup a makeshift base in the open space where a third car would fit.  

"Jake, I think we got her!"

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