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In your arms, I'm safe and sound
You turn my world right upside down
But all the hell we've been through had a purpose
Together, we are chaos and it's perfect

I Didn't Know x Sofia Carson


I learned to trust Beckham's instincts years ago, but for some reason, ignored it today.  We landed ourselves right in the fucking middle of firefight with no warning.  Since I'm without Beckham, I'm flying solo and providing air support along with Payback and Fanboy while Rooster and Phoenix swoop into to pull out the SEALs we were sent in to rescue.  Coordinates for where I need to drop a bomb are sent to me and I lock in.

"Target locked, bombs away!" I yell through the comms.

"Hangman, we need additional cover on our six!" Phoenix asks, panic laced in her voice.

"Copy, laying down extra firepower!"

We're able to extricate everyone on the ground and are barely in the clear when I hear my engine alarms start to blare.

"Fuck!  Left engine is out, I have to eject!  Rooster, Phoenix, I hope you got room for one more onboard!" I holler before I pull the ring and launch out into the air.  My parachute opens immediately, but I'm closer to the ground than I expected and land rapidly.  I brace myself for a rocky landing and hope like hell I make it out with minor injuries.  My boots hit the ground and I tuck and roll, managing only a few minor cuts and scrapes.  The helo lands nearby soon after and I load in, ready to get home as quick as possible. 

"Fucking shit, does Beck know?" I ask, knowing she's probably about to have a panic attack.

"She knows and is freaking the fuck out.  Mav said she's fine but he took her to labor & delivery just to be sure," Phoenix tells me. The next two hours feel like an eternity.  We finally land and Coyote is waiting on the tarmac for me, ready to speed me over to the hospital.  I know I'll need to be checked over myself, but everyone knows I won't let anyone touch me until I know beck is ok. 

"She's in room 307, the nurses know you're coming.  She's ok, so don't have an aneurysm ok?" Coyote claps me on the shoulder and I dart off in the direction of her room.  I barrel through the door and find her in a flimsy hospital gown with a multitude of wires connected to her. 

"Jake!  Oh honey, thank God you're ok!  I heard you eject and might have had a panic attack and hyperventilated until I passed out," she blushes and looks down.

"I'm just fine, angel.  I promised I'd make it back in one piece and here I am!  Only a few bumps and scrapes, I'm more worried about you.  How are my girls?  You're good, Emersyn's good?" I ask as I note the monitor attached to her belly. 

"She and I are both just fine, honey.  Just a precaution since I'm so far along.  No regular contractions just yet, but she's head down and I'm dilated to 1cm, so she's cruising along just fine.  There's her heart rate, sounds just perfect," she grins up at me and grabs my hand.  "Come here and let me check you over since I'm sure you haven't taken a full breath since you found out I was here."

I huff out a laugh, "You would be correct, short stack. I really am fine though, but if it'll make you feel better, do your worst."

She sits up in the bed and gives me her professional once over, then directs me on where to find the supplies she needs to bandage my minor wounds.  I happily let her, knowing it'll help her calm down and bring her peace of mind.  The doctor decides to keep her overnight to monitor her just to be on the safe side.  I'm officially checked out and cleared by the ER doctor as well, and Rooster and Phoenix bring us Beckham's car and keys, a change of clothes, blankets, and Beckham's squishmallow so we can get comfy.  Once they're happy we're both ok, they head out.  I take over the reclining chair by Beckham's bed and we both crash, exhausted from the excitement of the day. 

The next morning, Beckham is cleared to go home as expected.  However, the doctor didn't let us leave without a little warning. 

"No more craziness for the next month or so.  I'd like for her to keep baking for a least three more weeks.  Normally I'd say five, but she's measuring ahead and looking super healthy, so I'd be happy if you made it to the 36 week mark.  Dad, I'm suggesting you keep your wheels on the ground.  We don't need mama stressing over things she can't control.  Whether or not you take my advice is up to you, but keep that in mind.  Beckham, drink plenty of water, stay off your feet, and sleep while you can in the next few weeks because that's about to be in short supply.  I'll see you in the office for your regularly scheduled check up in a couple of days, let me know if you need anything before then.  Once the nurse comes in here with discharge paperwork, you're free to go!" The doctor smiles at us. 

"I'll be staying grounded, end of story," I tell Beckham, leaving no room for argument. 

She smiles and nods at me. "Ok honey, now let's bust out of here.   Emmy Jett is craving a Chick-fil-A sausage biscuit and mama need snuggles."

"Yes ma'am," I reply with a smirk.  I follow through with her request for breakfast and then we head to the house.  Once we arrive home, we quickly strip down to our comfy clothes that consist of boxers for me and boyshorts and one of my shirts for Beckham, then we climb in bed to snuggle after we eat. 

"Let's agree to not scare the shit out of each other again, deal?" I ask.

Beckham wraps her body around me, using me as her own pregnancy pillow, and her warm body against mine has me fighting to keep my eyes open.

"Sounds like a plan, cowboy.  I love you," she replies with a yawn. 

"I love you too, angel."

With a quick kiss to her head, I settle in for a day full of rest and Beckham cuddles.  I couldn't ask for more, this is perfection.

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