Final Chapter

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"Are you ready?" The voice of my King called out to me, and I look through the mirror to the door behind me. There he was, a dark, elegant suit that fit him perfectly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder, gazing at me in awe.

I smiled as I turned around, fiddling with the lapels of his suit. "I don't know. Are you ready to finally have the queen you deserve?"

He grinned and pulled me in for a kiss. "I already do, but I can't wait for everyone to see her." I smiled and pulled him close once more. A memory played in my mind as I laid my head against his chest.


"Where are you taking me?" I laugh as Louis lead me through the thickets and shrubs. He held my hand tightly, moving slow to ensure I don't trip.

"Just a moment, my love." He said just as I tripped on a stick, and he quickly steadied me.

"Now why does this feel so familiar?" I joked, savouring the sound of my King's laugh.

"We're here." The silk fabric fell from my face, and I smiled at the gazebo. Just as I thought. I recognised the path and could barely contain my excitement.

The orchestra I heard a while back was set up surrounding the gazebo, plucking their instruments with perfection.

I grinned as I spun back to Louis, slinking my arms around his neck. "What's the occasion?"

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. "You'll see." Louis led me to the gazebo, and we danced to the graceful sounds of orchestra. The dress he picked out for me swayed elegantly against his matching suit,

I was unsure how much time had passed when we finally sat down in a comfortable silence, just listening to the music.

"Ava." Louis addressed me suddenly, wiping his hands against his dark pants. I turned to him with a smile and bolted out of my seat when he kneeled to the ground.


"Please," he pleaded, waving off the orchestra before he continued. "Ava, you are the most formidable woman I have ever had the blessing to know. If you hadn't gone to the ball that evening, I don't think I'd like where I would be now. I promise to keep you safe, to hold you close, to never let you go, no matter whether you say yes or no to the question I'm asking you."

With a shuddering breath, he pulled out a tiny, velvet box, and revealed a ring. I almost fell to my knees at the gorgeous diamonds attached to its band.

"Ava, will you give me the honour, of making you my Queen?"

Tears bedded in my eyes, and my cheeks ached from the massive smile across my face. "I love you so much."

"Is that a yes?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yes," I nodded, "Yes, yes, yes!" I launched myself at him and we collapsed to the ground. Louis' entire body shuddered with relief as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank God," he muttered as he pulled me close. "There are not enough words to describe how much I love you."

I laughed tearfully as I sat up. Louis grabbed my hand and slid the magnificent ring onto my finger.


The giant doors roar open, and we turn to look at Louis' closest friend. "It's time." We follow him down the halls, and my heart feels like it might pound out of my chest.

My ceremony was to be televised, which was incredibly nerve-wracking, considering this is the first official time anyone will see me. Our wedding was private, and Louis had been pounded with questions about me, but he never gave them the satisfaction of an answer. But now, it was time to show them. The kingdom needed to know who their Queen was.

"It's alright, my love." Louis pulled me in for a soft kiss. "I'll be right by your side." I smiled as the grand doors opened, revealing an incredible crowd of citizens and photographers and reporters. Lights were flashing as we walked down the aisle, but I forged on. Louis squeezed my hand encouragingly, and I smiled up at him. With him wearing his crown and king attire, and me with a gown designed for royalty, I finally felt like I deserved to be at his side.

The voice of the official dulled as he commenced the ceremony, and my mind swayed. I looked back at my King, who smiled brightly. His grin brought me back to my senses, and all of my nerves drained away.

The official reached for the crown sitting atop an elegant, violet pillow, and I bent down. "I pronounce you, Queen Ava of Seiser."

The crowd rumbled with applause, lights flashed, but all I could look at was Louis. Louis, with his gorgeous smile as he stood next to me. Over all the cheers, he whispered.

"Now, has this proved your worth? Does this prove you're all I need in my life?"

I smiled. "Yes." I readjusted the crown on his head. "I love you. More than you can imagine."

He grinned. "I don't think that's possible. You deserve this." I look back out to the crowd. I do.

I deserve this.


Thank you to everyone who made it this far. I hope it was worth all of the waiting and rambling. To every one of you, I wish you all a fabulous day. Please comment any other books you would like to read or any ideas you'd like to see turn into stories. And thank you all once more for staying this long.

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