Chapter 24

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Louis POV

I was awake before I opened my eyes. I felt the covers draped over me, encasing me in its warmth. I was confused when I noticed that I wasn't in my own bed, but relaxed when I remembered the events of last night.

The corners of my mouth turned up slightly, and I reached my arm up to bring the person I was with last night closer to me but came up empty-handed. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I moved my hand around, searching for anything other than the blanket, but I still didn't find anything.

Slowly, my eyes blinked open, and I looked at the empty space in front of me.

I let out a groan before my arms lifted my body up from the bed, and I rolled my neck around, earning a satisfying crack.

"Good morning," my eyes opened, and looked at Ava who stood at the door. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

I shook my head with a tired smile. "No, although I wish you weren't standing there and were lying next to me instead." It's never too early to start teasing her.

A blush rose to her cheeks and she quickly turned to try to hide it as she closed the door. I let out a chuckle and rolled my shoulders. "Come back to bed. It's a crime to be up this early."

"It isn't when I have to get to work in less than an hour," she countered. My eyes widened and I looked at the clock that stood on the bedside table.

"But why do you need to get to work so early?"

"I would usually wake up later, but I started taking the bus, and they always take longer."

I tilted my head in confusion. "But I thought you walked to your work?"

"I did..." She paused for a short moment. "But I just decided taking the bus would be easier."

"I don't think so, but you do what you want. I'll support it." I stood up and arched my back with a groan. Once it had stretched, I walked over to Ava.

She fiddled with her thumbs as I looked over the back of her shoulder. Before she could move, I slid my arms around her waist. They set themselves on her stomach, and I placed my chin on her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice soft because of our close proximity.

I hummed. "Just getting a morning hug."

She stayed quiet after that, but I felt her lean her head back slightly into the crook of my neck.

We stayed like that for a few minutes in peaceful and comfortable silence, until Ava had to finish getting ready.

"I gotta get ready," she whispered, tapping my hands on her stomach softly. I reluctantly removed my hands and watched as she walked over to her table and grabbed the bag that sat on top of it.

She walked back over to me, swinging the bag over her shoulder. "I gotta go now. I'll see you later." She gave me a small peck on the cheek before walking past me to the door.

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Is that all I get?" She turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm in a rush."

"But," I pouted, "why can't I get a proper one?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Because I need to get to the bus stop on time."

I pouted again before an idea formed in my head. "...but what if I came with you?"

Ava narrowed her eyes slightly. "No, you have to get back home. Your parents are probably worried." 

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