Chapter 46

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Hi, everyone! I hope you all had a great day and are looking after yourselves. I had writer's block for a while there, but then I heard some Katy Perry and got an idea, so here is the next chapter. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts, I hope you all have a good day.


Birds chirped happily as I strolled down the dirt path of the park. 

Everyone walked around joyfully, talking with one another with smiles gracing their faces. Each one of them looked happy, just like me.

I looked around, taking in a deep breath with a smile.

Suddenly, I heard a soft, familiar voice.

"One chocolate chip ice cream, please."

I spun around and saw an all too familiar blonde man standing in front of an ice cream truck.

"Louis?" I said in disbelief, starting towards him.

Louis turned around, grinning widely when he noticed me. He wrapped his arms around me, taking all of my weight when I launched myself at him.

"I thought I would never see you again," I whispered against his chest, feeling a tear fall down my cheek.

Louis laughed gently, stroking my hair lightly. "I wouldn't be able to stay away from you. How could I?"

Unable to hold back any longer, I pulled away from him, taking his face in my hands. Looking at him right in his gorgeous eyes and I finally said what I had been wishing I had the guys to do earlier.

"I love you, Louis."

Louis smiled softly, placing a hand over mine.

"Then why did you leave me?"

Everything around me disappeared and I woke up quickly with a start.

My cheeks felt wet with old and new tears, and I got out of bed with a sigh.

Ever since I found out that Louis was engaged, I've been having the same dream over and over again.

 Actually, it was a nightmare.

Wherever I was, Louis was there, and I'd finally tell him how I felt. Louis would always do the same too.

Then why did you leave me? Then why did you leave me? Then why did you leave me?

Even though his words made my heart feel like it was getting torn apart, I was always happy to see him, even if it was just in my mind.

There had been times when I had spoken with him before the dream ended, but then I just didn't get the chance to tell him how I feel.

After telling him so many times that I loved him, I thought I would feel better, at least a little bit. But I never did.

Every time, it felt like a little piece of my sanity was chipping away. Because it wasn't my Louis I was telling. Not that he was my Louis anymore.

I trudged to the kitchen groggily, getting another glass of water to add to the collection in my room.

Louis was the only thing, the only person I could think about anymore. I couldn't even focus on work properly, and I had gotten countless warnings.

Taking the water back to my room, I grabbed a book and sat on my bed, trying to read the night away.

My eyes read the words and my hands flipped through the pages, but my mind could only think of one thing.

It never used to be annoying, having Louis on my mind, but it was starting to. Because I couldn't have him anymore.

I couldn't take back what I had already done. He was with a princess now. He finally had somebody who deserved him. But that didn't stop it from hurting.

* * * * *

My eyes burned as the light shined through my window. Sometimes I hated the morning.

I must have fallen asleep 'reading' because my book was still in my hand and my back was aching.

After a satisfying stretch, I reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for work.

The day went by slowly as usual, with the occasional customer asking me if I was getting enough sleep. I probably should have put on make-up this morning, but I was too tired.

About halfway through the day, there was a sudden commotion. I stared at the entrance where a crowd had already formed and my heart jumped at the thought of who it could be.

The clanking of armour confirmed my suspicions, and I didn't know whether to be upset or happy.

Louis and the princess whose name I refused to learn walked down the market path accompanied by two guards. The princess looked at various stalls along the way, talking to Louis the entire time.

By the time they came around my stall, Louis didn't look at me, which was fair, and I tried to ignore the pain that came with it.

The princess hooked her arm around Louis' and looked in my direction. She gave me a bright smile, and even though I wanted to hate her, I smiled back and watched them as they walked away.

The guards trailed slightly behind the two royals, and I noticed a familiar person dressed in armour.

Sam looked around and we locked eyes. I offered him a weak smile, but he acted as though he didn't see me. Which was also fair, but still hurt.

I slumped in my chair, hating basically everything right now. Quinnie's words were really hitting hard right about now. I knew breaking things off would hurt, but I didn't think it could be possible for it to hurt this much.

If only I had the guts to tell Louis how I felt then and there. It's not like whoever sent the note would be able to know. I could have done something else to avoid all of this. We could have been more careful or something. Or I could have reported it to the police.

But even if I did any of those things, they could've kept true to their threat and released the photos. It would have ruined Louis' reputation. So maybe I did do the right thing.

It didn't feel like it though. But I'd just have to deal with that now. I can't do anything with Louis anymore. I lost that chance a long time ago.

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