Chapter 18

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Three days.

Three days since I last saw Louis, and I was a wreck.

I was pacing back and forth in my room in my summer pajamas. It was already dark, probably 9:30, I don't know. The last time I had looked at the clock was when I had just come home early from my shift. Mum was already asleep at this time, so I didn't have to worry about anyone walking into my room. But that thought wasn't at the front of my mind right now.

When was Louis going to come see me? What if he was being watched closely since his parents figured out he was sneaking out early? And what about his mother? She definitely knew that something was going on between Louis and me. What if she didn't approve of her son, a prince, having a relationship with a fruit and clothes seller?

Ugh, this sucked. Louis and I have been in a relationship for less than four days and it was already going to shit. I haven't seen him for three days and I was going crazy. And I hated that I couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't like I could walk up to the palace gates and tell them, 'it's fine, I'm the prince's girlfriend.' Because that was still one of the things we needed to talk about. Would we tell people? And I mean all of the people. It's not exactly like we could keep our relationship public and on the down-low. I mean, he's a freaking prince! Those two things just aren't possible for him!

God, I needed to stop thinking about this otherwise I was going to break something.

I walked over to the window in my room. It showed me the treeline of the forest that was a couple of miles away from the house, which was very pretty during the day, but very scary during the night. I remember when I was younger I would always think that I saw something, like a pair of red eyes or a person creeping around, but my dad would always calm me down and manage to get me back asleep.

God, I missed him.

A sudden flash of a white light brought me out of my daze. I had to blink a couple of times from the brightness, but soon recovered and looked outside the window more carefully.

I stared at the forest line for a couple of moments, just waiting for the light to blink again. I was about to call it quits, it came again. What the hell? 

I squinted out the window, trying to find the source of the unusual light. I stared carefully, my full attention stuck on the trees. That's why I jumped when I heard a knock echo through the house to my room. I sent a quick look over outside before sliding the curtains across the window and heading to the front door.

I quietly rushed over to the door when the person started knocking again, louder and faster this time. I quickly reached for the door handle and yanked the door open.

"What do you-" I stopped myself when I looked at the person at my door. Louis stood there with his hands on the sides of the doorframe, panting heavily.

"Louis! Are you ok?! What are you doing here so late?!" I exclaimed. He leaned against his arms that held onto the doorframe trying to catch his breath.

"I-sorry," he panted.

"Don't apologise! Come in! I'll get you some water," I grabbed his arms and led him inside. He followed without any resistance as I kicked the door closed with my foot and led him to the kitchen. I led him to one of the stools and left him to pour him a glass of water. I slid the glass over to him from the other side of the kitchen counter. He caught it and gulped it down. I took that time for my eyes to drink him in. Haha, funny.

Louis wore full black clothing which looked like it had just come fresh from the washing machine. Although, his face was covered in dirt. His hair was ruffled and had a couple of specks of dirt sprinkled in it. 

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