Chapter 45

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Hello, everyone! I hope you all have had a good week so far. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter.
Sorry for the late chapter, but I hope you enjoy it!

Louis POV

It had been however long since she-who-must-not-be-named and I had separated. I spent most of the first few months alone in my room, but realised I had duties to attend to. Since Father is preparing to step down from the throne along with Mother, I'll be taking his place.

I've been learning in finer detail my soon-to-be duties since the event, and it's kept me heavily distracted.

I was going over some alliances in the west when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." Mother walked in, followed by Father.

"Son," he greeted.

"Hello, Father. Mother." She nodded lightly. "What can I help you with?"

She sat down on my bed, tucking her legs against the bed elegantly. "Unfortunately, we have to discuss something of the utmost importance." I turned around in my chair and looked at them curiously.

"What about?"

"Well," my father spoke, "you know how many duties there are of a king."

My eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but I stayed quiet. I didn't like where this was going.

"It is far too difficult to handle alone."

"What are you saying?" I asked cautiously, looking between them.

"What we are saying is," she joined, taking a deep breath, "that you must find a bride."

"What?" I rose to my feet with speed, feeling my stomach turn painfully.

"We cannot wait longer, son," she attempted to comfort me, "you cannot look after the kingdom yourself. It is far too difficult to do alone. Please, listen to reason." She held my hands gently, and my breathing calmed down.

"Yes, Mother."

"Good," Father chimed in, and we turned to him. "We shall start planning some events tomorrow. Sam can take you."

I dropped my mother's hands. "What? Already? Can I not have some time?!"

"You've had eight months. That is plenty of time. we will discuss this more tomorrow, am I understood?"

I was about to fight back, but he stared me down, challenging me to speak. "Am I understood?"

I looked down at the tiled floor, settling my hands into fists. "Yes, Father."

* * * * *

The night had passed slowly after my parent's intrusion. Sleep had not come easily, but then again, that wasn't much of a rare occurrence anymore.

They had decided to wait until I had calmed down - a wise choice really - to inform me of the plans they had made for me with a princess from quite far already. How they had managed to do so infuriated and impressed me, annoyingly.

I had tried to refuse to go, but Father didn't give me a choice in the matter.

Sam was upset about the events that had occurred, regarding she-who-must-not-be-named and me, but he had seemed to get over it quite quickly.

I watched everything pass by as Sam drove us to the restaurant I was to meet the woman. I didn't even know who she was.

I believe Sam was avoiding conversation with me, what with being forced to have dinner with a princess whom I don't even know.

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