Chapter 30

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Last night was the ball. After the ball, I called Liv and Quin, who were very eager to know what happened. I told them everything, including the part about the guy who tried hitting on me. Their advice, mainly Olivia's, was to get Louis to track down the creep and beat him to a pulp.

Considering that it's Olivia, it was a pretty tame idea.

Right now, Louis, Olivia, Quinnie, and I were sitting in the living room on the couch and chairs. I invited them over because we all decided we needed a break. And Louis decided to join us.

"Alright, you funky bunch," we all turned our heads to my mum who rolled into view. "I'm going to the doctor now. I'll see you all later."

"Oh, do you want me to drive you, mum?" I was already lifting myself up from my spot next to Louis, but my mum raised a hand.

"It's fine, Ava, I've got a friend taking me. You four have fun."

"Bye!" We all waved to her as she rolled herself out of the house and closed the door behind her. I sat back down beside Louis and he wrapped his arms around my waist once more. Olivia turned back around in her seat to face the rest of us.

"So, did I tell you guys about the dude from the shops I saw yesterday?" She whispered as if we were in a classroom talking when the teacher was.

"You haven't told them yet," Quin stated in her seat near Liv's. Olivia gave her a thankful nod and turned back to Louis and me.

"So, it was after my shift yesterday, and I was grabbing some food that I was gonna have that night. I decided on some two-minute noodles and a can of-"

"Liv." Quin brought her back into focus.

"Right! Anyway, I was grabbing the stuff I wanted, and this dude, out of nowhere, just started staring at me!" I pulled a face. "I know, right? So, I asked him if he needed help with something, and he said no, so I tried to get back to my shopping, but he kept staring at me!"

"What the hell?"

"That's what I thought, so I asked him if he had a problem, and you know what he said?" She cleared her throat and straightened herself in her seat, raising her shoulders. "'You're really pretty. I always had a thing for younger girls. How 'bout you give me your number?'"

Her lips pulled themselves into a thin line as we laughed. "...He was, like, fifty years old." She kept managed to keep a straight face for less than a second before she laughed along with us.

"That is so creepy," I laughed, leaning into Louis slightly to stay sitting upright. Liv laughed uproariously and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, kinda like when you thought that dude was following you home, hey, A?" Liv and Quin kept laughing, but I stopped. I heard Louis stop laughing too, and his body was tense.

The other two noticed the sudden change between Louis and me, and eventually picked up on it.

"...too soon?" Liv asked cautiously, but I just stayed silent, anxious for what Louis was going to do. There was a tense silence in the room for a couple of minutes, but it felt like hours.

I peeked at Louis from the corner of my eyes, and his jaw was tensed. I think he could feel my eyes on him, because his grip on my waist tightened.

What was he going to do? Was he going to get angry and storm out? Was he going to get upset?

...Was he going to break up with me?

"My apologies." I looked back at Louis. "I just didn't expect you to say that." He laughed and the rest of us laughed with him, but I could tell he was tense. Quin and Liv continued on like nothing was wrong, but I could tell Louis was becoming impatient.

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