Chapter 31

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My eyes were squinted shut as I waited for Louis to respond. But he was silent. I couldn't wait any longer and blinked my eyes open.

Louis still stood as he did before with a small smile on his face. I was a bit confused and began wondering if I had even said it out loud. I felt like I did. But did I really?

"Princess?" My heart beat loudly at the nickname and the thought of whether I had said it out loud or not came back to me.


He pulled his forehead off of mine and gave me a grin. "You know how you are unable to understand French?"

My eyes squinted slightly. "Yeah?"

Louis chuckled lightly and his eyes lit up mischievously. "Well, I wanted to play a game regarding that." He pulled on my hands gently and led us to the couch. "I wish to play a game that I would say some phrases in French, and for you to guess what they mean."

The two of us sat down on the couch and I turned to face Louis. "But I'll never guess what they mean!"

He laughed. "Oh, trust me; I'm aware." I gave him a joking sneer.

"But why should I bother trying to guess what you're saying? I would obviously get it wrong."

"Well then, if you would like some motivation, what would you like to receive when you guess something correctly?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, but something that would be worth guessing for."

Louis thought for a moment before giving me a smirk. "Well, I have some ideas. Maybe a kiss for every correct question."

I rolled my eyes as my cheeks heated up. "I guess that'll do."

He scoffed and I smiled slightly.

"Ok, sure. Let's play." Louis grinned widely and thought for a moment.

"Alright, first one; vous ne devinerez jamais ce que je dis." My eyebrows furrowed together as I thought of what he could have said. I knew I would never be able to figure out what he said, but I had to guess something. This was going to be rough.

"Uhh," I began, "I am devastated that jokers don't work for me?" I knew I was horribly wrong before he had even answered.

Louis laughed briefly. "A very nice attempt, but also very incorrect."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. I really don't like this game."

"Oh, come on, mon étoile; just a couple more rounds!" Louis smiled. I pretended to think for a moment, but eventually gave in.


"Fantastic! Ok, next round-"

"Woah, woah, wait! Are you gonna tell me what you said?"

Louis grinned widely. "Nope." I let out an offended scoff and leaned further into the couch. "Next round-and this is an easy one- Je suis fromage."

I sighed. "Of course you would think this is easy." Louis laughed and I tried thinking of what he said. "Uh, I am cheese?"

Louis pressed his lips against mine and pulled away just as quickly. "Good job, my darling."

"Wait, I actually got it right?" I asked in disbelief. He nodded.

"You did, mon étoile." A sense of accomplishment ran through me and I smiled widely.

"Look at me go," I praised myself. "That'll be the only one I get. Just you watch."

Louis chuckled. "Don't be so negative, mon étoile. Let's do the next one." I nodded, Louis thought for a few seconds before he looked back to me.

"Tu es une personne merveilleuse."

"I'm honestly just going to say a bunch of random words at this point," I admitted, and he laughed. "Umm, I am a person who likes mayonaise."

"Very close."

"I was right? Nice!"

"No, you weren't."

"I knew I was good at this game. Come on, give me my reward for getting it right." I gestured for Louis to come closer, and he laughed as he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Good work, my love."

I smiled. "Thank you, Louis. You may continue." He chuckled as he laid his arm on the back of the couch and thought.

"Alright, Je ne peux pas imaginer ce que je ferais sans toi."

"You are so awesome. Thank you, Louis, that's very nice of you to say."

He chuckled and gave me another kiss. "Very good. You're getting better at French by the moment."

"I know."

Louis chuckled again. "Let's see if you can get this one; tu es la personne avec qui Je veux passer le reste de ma vie."

"Uh, I am a unicorn who lives in the White House." Louis leaned to me and gave me yet another kiss.

"You're very good at this, mon étoile."

"Knew it," I smirked and punch my fists in the air slightly. Louis laughed again and his hand landed on my shoulder lightly. I waited for him to say something else in French, but he just stared at me. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as he stared, as well as butterflies appearing in my stomach. I felt his hand rub my shoulder soothingly and I leaned into his touch slightly.

"Je t'aime." Louis finally spoke, and I remembered what game we were playing.

"Uhh, I'm a banana?" Louis looked at me for a moment before he leaned in again and pressed his lips against mine. When he pulled away, he gave me a soft smile.

"Right again, mon amour."

"Damn, I am so good at this. You don't even stand a chance; I'm too good." Louis pulled me closer to him and put his chin on my head. I was confused for a moment, but eventually wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his chest.

"You are very correct, mon amour." The two of us just sat there for a while in silence. I don't know why his behaviour suddenly changed, but I liked this side of him.

As we sat there, it gave me a chance to think back to earlier on. Did I actually say anything out loud? Or did I just say it in my head? It felt like I had said it out loud. Did Louis just ignore me instead? No, he wouldn't do something like that. But maybe he thought I was moving too fast and he didn't want me to be embarrassed, so he pretended I didn't say it.

Oh, well. It didn't matter. Cause right now, I was exactly where I wanted to be.

My Prince Charmingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें