Chapter 3

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"So, what are you going to wear tomorrow?" I looked up from the cash register at Quinnie, eyes furrowing in confusion.

"For...what?" Olivia raised an eyebrow at me, giving me an 'are you serious?' look.

"...For the ball?" Quinnie stated obviously. Right! I forgot about that.


"Ahhh." Olivia copied me. I gave her a glare, before turning back to Quinnie.

"I don't think I can go. I have to look after my mum." The 'ding' of the cash register caught my attention. I looked back down at it as I pulled out some change. I closed the register and handed the change to Quinnie. She put the coins into her bag as she grabbed the neatly folded clothes from the desk in front of us.

"Oh, come on!" Olivia whined. "Surely she can look after herself for one night!" I gave her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, but not tomorrow. I barely have any time to spare regardless, so I don't think I would be able to come anyway. You know how much I work, and for how little. I was barely able to afford to pay rent yesterday." I reminded them, leaning my head on my hand. I had struggled with the rent a lot recently, and I had to skip dinner last night.

"Well, you know that we are happy to help you pay for these things." I immediately raised a hand and shook my head.

"No. I appreciate the offer, but I don't want your money." They gave each other a look before looking back at me. No matter how much I struggled, I would never accept money. I understand that they had no trouble with helping me, but I did. I wouldn't consider myself to be a charity case if they helped me, but I had to do this on my own. My mother was my responsibility, and that was that.

"Now, even though I love seeing you guys, I have to finish work," I stated, gesturing to the line forming behind them. They looked over their shoulders and looked back at me.

"Alright then-but this conversation is not finished!" Quinnie assured me before the two of them waved and walked out of the shop. I sighed, dreading the work about to come.

"Next in line, please!"

* * * * *

I trudged through the front door, carrying two bags of shopping.

"I'm home!" I closed the door with my foot, and it slammed shut. I walked over to the kitchen counter and heaved the two heavy bags up. They landed on the counter, and I began taking all of the food out of the bags and putting them away. I was tired, and I just wanted to get the house clean before I go to bed.

"Ava." I looked over at my mother's usual position in the lounge room next to her old chair. Her greying hair was in a bun as she stared at the flames in the roared.

"Yes, mum. Do you need something?" I asked, feeling myself become slightly worried. She patted the armchair of her old seat, inviting me to sit next to her. I left the groceries and made my way over to her old chair. I slowly sat down and waited. What for? I don't know.

She turned in her wheelchair to face me, grabbing my hands and holding them in hers. I looked at her face. Her slightly greying hairs mixed with her brunette escaped her low bun, strands falling over her face. Her blue eyes stared at me. She looked serious, which made me more nervous.

"Ava, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me these five years. I know that I haven't made it easy for you." She said.

"You don't have to-" She raised a hand, cutting me off. She placed her hand back on our entwined hands.

"I do, and I've only now realised what you've had to sacrifice and how much just to take care of me." I eyed her gently, slightly skeptical of what she was going to say. She saw my look and chuckled softly.

"I suppose you already know what I am about to say." She laughed.

"I have my suspicions," I claimed. She smiled at me once more, before she pursed her lips into a straight line.

"So I'm sure you guessed already that Olivia and Quinnie called me while you were at work." I scoffed and looked down at our hands.

"Those two-" I said softly. Why were they so committed to getting me to the ball? My mother raised her hand and placed her index finger and thumb on my chin, and lifted it gently, so I was looking her in the eyes.

"I don't understand why you didn't tell me about the ball, Ava." She said. She looked a little bit hurt that I didn't tell her.

"I don't have the time to go." I defended, unable to bring myself to look into her eyes. She rubbed my chin gently, and I looked at her.

"You've put your life on hold to take care of me, and I want to help you make up for that lost time." She insisted, and I already knew what she was going to say.

"I can't go."

"Why not?"

"I-" I hesitated, "I don't have a dress." I couldn't think of any better excuses. She smiled.

"Follow me." She let go of my hands and wheeled herself out of the lounge room. I stood from my seat and followed her to her room. She kept wheeling herself through her door and to her wardrobe. I stood next to her, and she looked at me. She gestured to the box on the top shelf, above her clothing hangers. I grabbed the box and handed it to her. She grabbed the box and set it on her lap.

My mother wheeled herself to her bed, then set the box on her neatly made bed. I kneeled next to her as she lifted the lid off the box. I gasped at the sight of what was in the box.

In the space, was a beautiful purple dress. I looked at my mum for permission to take the dress out of the box, to which she nodded. I carefully grabbed the top and raised the dress, staring at it in awe.

The dress was beautiful and indigo. It had a deep, but not too long v-line. There was a gold band around the waist of the dress. From the band down, the dress flew out slightly, giving it some shape. It was made of a faintly see-through material, but there were extra layers of the same material underneath, giving it some depth. There were light gold accents at the bottom of the dress. From the band up, the dress was not see-through and it had no sleeves. The dress had a slight turtle neck, which would make its way halfway up my neck.

In short, it was gorgeous.

I looked over to my mum with my mouth dropped open. She gave me a smile, and it was only then that I noticed that she was holding something in her hands. There was an elegant matching mask of indigo with gold accents.

"No..." I gasped.

"I bought this today. When I saw it, I knew it would be just perfect for you." I gently laid the dress down on the bed and hugged my mum. She immediately returned the gesture, and I heard her sniffle.

"Thank you so much, mum. I don't know what to say." She pulled away from me, keeping her hands on my shoulders.

"What you can say, is that you will wear this to the ball." I looked at my mum, tears slightly blurring my vision.

"I will." She gave me a big smile.

"Good." She pulled me in for another hug. "Oh, and I also have some shoes that match the dress at the bottom of my wardrobe." I hugged her even tighter.

I can't believe it. I'm going to the ball!

My Prince CharmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora