Chapter 49

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Hey, everyone! This is a short chapter, and not really that good, and for that I apologise. It took me a while to figure out what to have in this chapter.

But don't worry, because I have some ideas for the next one, and it should be released sooner rather than later. Anyways, let me know your thoughts, and make sure to have a nice day!



I never thought it was humanly possible to be so loud, but leave it to Olivia to break records on pointless and very annoying things.

"Oh my god, shut up," I said for probably the hundredth time with my hands over my ears, Quin in a similar position on my bed next to me. Finally, she stopped ranting and turned to us.

"Oh, come on! What other signs do you need?" She dragged her hand in the air. "Clouds in the sky saying, 'Ava, get back together with Louis'?"

I rolled my eyes. "Honestly, Olivia, enough."

"No, for real, Ava! How is this not enough of a message to get back with him? It's not like he's going to be getting married now."

"No, Liv, I can't."

"But this is perfect!" She pleaded. "Why can't you just do something impulsive for once? I mean, you're either always working, or staying at home. Louis actually made you have fun for once in years. Is it that hard to see?"

"That's not true. I have fun. Tell her, Quinnie." I turned to her, but she just looked at me. "Quin? Tell her."

She glanced at Olivia and shook her head. "No, I actually agree with Liv. I never agreed with how you handled things in the first place, and now, you actually have the chance to make things right again."


"But nothing. I honestly don't think you're making the right choice here." Quin brushed a strand of her hair back. "I mean, I'll support you no matter what, but being your friend also includes telling you the truth, and the truth is you're making a bad choice."

I was taken aback by her calm yet strong argument. I mean, it wasn't the first time that she told me this, but if she was still telling me this after everything, did that mean I should listen to her? Should I really try to get Louis back?

"But just because he's not engaged anymore, doesn't mean that he wants me back," I tried to reason. Quin just shrugged.

"You keep telling yourself that, but that doesn't make it true. I mean, did you even see the way he looked at you?"

"It's true," Olivia chimed in, "it was like you were his favourite ice-cream flavour. Not gonna lie; it kinda grossed me out."

My cheeks reddened. "No way, I would've noticed."

"You would think so, considering you gave him the exact same look, but no." She gagged.

"What Olivia is trying to say, is that you two loved each other, and it was obvious to everyone except the two of you."

I picked at my hands. "Well, either way, after how I ended things, he wouldn't be wanting me back. I know I wouldn't."

"See, you keep telling yourself that, but how would you know unless you actually tried?"

I hated my friends sometimes. They always had something to say, and I hated it even more when they convinced me I was wrong.

I loved Louis. I still do. But did he love me enough in the first place to want me back after how messy our breakup was?

I thought of the photos, remembering how happy each memory made me. Well, except the one at the ball, obviously. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised how Olivia and Quin were right. I did look at Louis like he was my favourite ice-cream flavour. Just like how he looked at me. In any other context, those photos were beautiful.

The photos.

Wait, the photos.

Where are the photos?

Louis POV

Unfortunately, I had to put my plans for getting Ava on hold. When I had told my parents that I wanted to break off my engagement to Princess Diane, Father was incredibly resistant at first. But after Mother had explained everything to him, he reluctantly agreed, under the condition that we move my coronation up.

I agreed, but the preparation took far more time than I had anticipated. I needed to do fittings, have a hand in decorations, help organise the guest list, organise a television crew to come and film the coronation, and it was overwhelming, to say the least. Although, it did give me a lot of time to plan how to patch things up with Ava. But not exactly any time to actually put that plan into action.

Although I desperately wanted to go to her house and tell her everything, but that probably wasn't the best solution. Perhaps instead I could announce something at the coronation. Would Ava appreciate that though? She may not like the attention. But this could be the only way to get her back.

Maybe I could find her at the market, but she'll probably think that I'm confronting her. And that was also a bit too public.

No matter. I'll find a way to sort this all out.

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