They hold hands and Sam's chubby hand slaps them away making the couple laugh.

In a few minutes, they arrived at Sarah's place. Four guards got out to scout the place out and they return to get the royal family.

"Do you mind getting the stroller out the trunk babe?" Skye asked as he took Sam out of his chair. Prince nodded and took the stroller out, unfolding it revealing the kingdom's coat of arms on the back of the stroller.

Skye sets Sam inside and hands him a sippy cup full of water.

"Pee?" He asks.




He nods at the toddler. They head towards the house and Prince knocked on the door.

Inside the house, Sarah and the family were having breakfast when they heard a knock. Xavier took liberty to open it as he was at the end of the table. He opens the door and smiles when he saw the couple.

"Hey guys, glad you could join us" he says and hugged them then waved at Sam who gave him a giggle.

"Sorry we're late. We had a few things to finish"

Hearing her son's voice, Sarah stood up and rushed to the door in all smiles.

"My baby! My baby in law and my grand baby! Come in come in"

They enter the house and Benedict smiled at his brother.

"Baby bro! I miss you. Prince stop hogging my brother to yourself hmph"

Jonathan chuckled.

"Skye has his family to think about. Which you will understand when those babies arrive"

Skye then noticed an unfamiliar face at the table. He sits next to Benedict while Prince and Xavier helped Sam get inside the house.

"Who's he?" Skye whispered.

"Johnny's boyfriend"

Skye gasped.

"Johnny! You didn't tell me you liked a sausage in your mouth" he says and Jonathan along with Corey choked on their food.

"Skye!" Sarah exclaimed yet she was laughing.

Jonathan sighed.

"Corey this is my brother Skye, his fiancé Prince and their child Samuel. I guess you also know them as King and Queen. Guys, this is Corey, the guy I'm seeing"

Skye smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I apologise if I made you uncomfortable"

"No your Majesty! It's fine"

They all choked on their laughs for a moment while Skye blushed in embarrassment.

Prince sat down and cleared his throat.

"Shall we eat? I'm hungry"

Skye smiled as Xavier wheeled Sam next to him. He gets up and heads to the kitchen to make some diced fruits for the toddler.

Corey awkwardly glanced at them, the couple oozed of authority and royalty and he was sure the rest of the family felt it too.

"So Skye I hear there is a  state dinner coming up" Sarah says.

"Yeah. Wait, how did you know about this?"

Benedict scoffed.

"Skye it's all over the Internet"

"Oh yeah" Skye mumbled.

"So are we coming? I can get a fancy hat" Sarah says. Skye gave Prince an awkward look and the king cleared his throat.

"Unfortunately it's a state dinner so only members of the state along with their partners can come. The event will be televised so you won't miss a thing"

Benedict pouted.

"Too bad, I was looking Forward to eating steak served in gold plates"

"That's not...anyway, guys after the dinner you can come to the derby with me. It'll be a fun event" Skye says.

"Yay! I love horses. Can I bring a plus one?" Sarah asked.

"Sure. All of you can. wear Ascot clothes, that's the appropriate attire for the event"

"Alright. Prince? Will you be joining us?" Jonathan asked.

"Of course! But this event is planned by the queen so I'll be just a plus one"

Benedict and Jonathan exchanged a look. Seems like Skye would be getting more attention than the king himself. They hope everything will be alright between them.

Corey coughed awkwardly.

"So is there dessert?"


"We have to open the cafe, so we'll leave first"

They hugged Jonathan and Corey and watched as they left in Jonathan's car. Benedict gave Skye a nudge and smiled at him

"Are you alright?"

Skye gave him an odd look.

"I'm fine how about you? I heard about your triplets, may I?" He asks as he pointed at Benedict's stomach.

"Of course"

Skye smiled as he rubbed Benedict's stomach, it felt tight.

"I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy"

"Thank you. So how's dealing with a 2yr old? Terrible two's?"

Skye scoffed.

"At first yes but now he seems to be on low battery, maybe we should spend more time with him?"

"Relax, you're doing a great job already. Give yourself a break. After the whole dinner event, you and your family should go back to that house you love and spend some alone time. You are changing and I don't know how to react to it"

"Changing how?" Skye asks in confusion.

"I don't know, you seem different from the Skye before royalty. You look reserved and shy"

"Oh...I guess I did change. But change is good, no?"

"Not when you're not being your true self Skye. I don't mean to lecture you but maybe think about what I said, I miss my brother"

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