Liao Chen really didn't expect this person in front of him to be He planned to take him as a victim, but thought it was ridiculous. Leaving aside the loopholes in this document, Liao Chen could not accept these conditions alone. 

    It not only shows that Liao Chen's game character controller will be sold to Alpha, but also the authorship right will also be sold, and it will not be able to be sold to any company in the future. Such a monopoly, the final price is actually 9,000 Ten thousand dollars, Liao Chen felt that there was no need to continue talking about this matter.

    Sui Mingzhi also finished reading the information at this time, and his eyes widened when he saw that the game character controller made by Liao Chen could have a price of 90 million U.S. dollars, but he didn't expect Liao Chen to say such a thing. So he kept silent rationally, waiting for the other party to speak without saying a word. 

    The smile on Alpha’s face disappeared. He thought that the author of this controller was not American, so he thought of lowering the price, and those conditions were added on purpose. I heard that people of yellow race are not very powerful, so Alpha He thought he would succeed, but he didn't expect that the yellow man who looked immature in front of him would say such words to him, which made him a little angry.  

   "Mr. Liao, the price I offered is reasonable enough. If you don't want to, I can add it to 100 million US dollars. If you want more, it is absolutely impossible!!!" 

    At this time, it was more imposing. At that time, Alpha wanted to use his aura to suppress Liao Chen, but who was Liao Chen? He has been several presidents, and he has no pressure at all. What's more, no one understands the value of this game character controller better than Liao Chen. Now this person wants to get this thing in his hands for 100 million yuan , is simply ridiculous! ! ! 

    Liao Chen didn't say a word, just got up and left, Sui Mingzhi also followed Liao Chen to leave, this time the negotiation was not successful.

     After returning to the hotel, after a whole day of surprise, Sui Mingzhi had time to ask Liao Chen why he refused to agree to Alpha's request. 

    Liao Chen laughed after hearing Sui Mingzhi's words, and said mysteriously.  

   "How much do you think the price of the game character controller I made is?" 

    Sui Mingzhi was taken aback. He really doesn't know much about games and the IT industry. He only knows that some of these software are more expensive, but others I don't know something, and now I hear Liao Chen asking this question, but I am at a loss. 

    Seeing Sui Mingzhi like this, Liao Chen continued talking with a smile.

    "You see, the name of this software is Game Character Controller, that is to say, it can greatly improve the body design of the characters in the game, that is to say, on the original relatively fixed basis, as long as you are willing to design Actions, characters in the game can do it, if this thing is installed on a game, then the effect it brings is incomparable, and its price is at least three billion US dollars or more."

    Liao Chen said Sui Mingzhi was stunned directly. He didn't expect such a gadget to be so expensive, so he didn't know what to say for a while. In fact, when he heard the price in his heart, he felt that Liao Chen was whimsical. Looking at Liao Chen's calm appearance, I really think that this thing might really have such a high price...

    "You don't have to doubt that this thing can be installed on mobile games in addition to computer games, so as to control The actions of the characters in mobile games, and when controlling the actions of these game characters, will not increase the load of the game and the mobile phone. Maybe you don’t understand what I said, but you just need to know that this thing will become popular in the future. You will understand."

    Originally, he wanted to sell this thing at that time, but now that he thinks about it, Liao Chen doesn't mind starting a game company by himself, so he has confidence, besides, he believes in the games in his company After it comes out, many people will notice this game character controller, because this game character controller, in the previous world, can be said to have directly subverted the entire game world.

    You know, Liao Lin, as the golden finger of that world, everything he does is within the acceptable range of that world, so the character controller for this game is just a relatively simple one among Liao Lin's many softwares. Already ...

    Sui Mingzhi didn't know what to say, but seeing that Liao Chen wasn't unhappy, he felt relieved a lot. Although the business was not negotiated, Sui Mingzhi still didn't like Liao Chen's bad mood.

    Sui Mingzhi occasionally thinks of his daughter. His daughter is about the same age as Liao Chen. Liao Chen has learned to go abroad to do business now, but his daughter is still acting like a baby all day. He suddenly feels that people are incomparable. Genius, Maybe it's just that many people can't compare it at all.

    The next day after eating, Liao Chen took Sui Mingzhi to another small game company. Of course, this game company was discovered by Liao Chen last night, and this game company... just happened to be closing down.

    After arriving at the game company, Liao Chen first took a look at the company's situation, and then took a look at their latest game with the person in charge. It was true that there was no development, so after constantly lowering the price, he bought it for 10 million US dollars. After joining this game company, yes, although this game company has also produced games, but the games are relatively old-fashioned, and Liao Chen intends to use the most popular mobile games in the previous few worlds.

    After three days of hard work, the acquisition of the game company was finally completed, and Sui Mingzhi was too tired after talking with the people in the company. He no longer thought about where Liao Chen got so much money. After all, a genius is a genius , is not something ordinary mortals can guess.

    Yeguiren Network Company was established abroad in this way, and the first thing after the establishment, Liao Chen asked the game research workers to stop the game project they are currently researching, and then started to develop mobile games.

    Mobile games are games that Liao Chen thinks can highlight the controllers of game characters, so he specially took out a game designed by his son Liao Lin that young people like to play, called "King Game", this game is The player is a commoner from the beginning, and then develops step by step, whether it is in business or in politics, and gradually becomes the story of the king of a country step by step, and this game uses the game character controller to the fullest The biggest reason is that the wonderful fighting moves and dancing moves of some female players became a game that many young players would play at that time.

    As for Liao Chen, this time he intends to use this game to attack the gaming industry...

    Of course, although this game is a mobile game, it still needs a long time to develop. Regarding the above fighting moves, we need to find a lot of warriors To design, the above various boxing techniques, various sword techniques and sword techniques also need to be redesigned. Liao Chen is very confident in this game.

    He intends to use this game to test the water first, and if the response of this game is good, then he will start developing the online version of "Game of Kings" soon...

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