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    The two soon arrived at Zhou Ziqing's home. Zhou Ziqing's home was not quite the same as Liao Chen imagined. You must know that Zhou Ziqing's first impression is often indifferent, but Zhou Ziqing's home is dotted everywhere. Some bright colors.

    The exquisite green potted plants, the blue enchantress flower box on the table, and the incomparably bright yellow on the wall all radiate a kind of vitality, which made Liao Chen realize once again the man beside him. heart.

    Soft, docile, looking forward to having a beautiful family, from getting along with Zhou Ziqing, Liao Chen can see that Zhou Ziqing is such a person, but unfortunately, he is not this person.

    "You sit down first, I'll pour you some water." Liao Chen looked at him, and Zhou Ziqing blushed. He had lived here for nearly four years, and it was the first time he brought someone to his house. At a loss.

    Seeing Zhou Ziqing running away, Liao Chen showed a funny smile, and then sat on the sofa slowly, but couldn't help looking around the room.

    He has had many lovers, most of them are right and go to the hotel after the meeting to solve it. After waking up, they will almost become strangers. Those people may be begging for his money, and some of them are asking him for help. Liao Chen is not a good person. Lovers are like carp crossing the river. Liao Chen can't even remember the faces of those people. It is just like this that Liao Chen can't believe that there is any love in this world. .

    Liao Chen still remembers the first young man he fell in love with. He was a student of the School of Economics. Although the traitor sent by his company's opponent did not cause Liao Chen's company to lose anything in the end, it made Liao Chen's heart shut up.     Later, there were also "temptations" one after another, either because of a conspiracy and never seeing each other in the end, or because you and I would like to resolve each other. Liao Chen remembers very clearly that he has a lover who no longer remembers his face. They cooperated very well, but they wanted to leave him. The reason for leaving was so ridiculous. It was so ridiculous that Liao Chen even sent someone to send this lover away, and never saw him again.

    That lover was not the only one who said he fell in love with him, but the only one who was determined to leave him because he fell in love with him, because that lover said, he is heartless, how can a person who has no heart fall in love with others? ?

    For the past six months, Liao Chen worked hard to be a good lover, even though he could only be active in the hospital, he brought Zhou Ziqing a lot of 'surprises'.

    For example, secretly engage in some small romances, give Zhou Ziqing some small gifts, etc., Liao Chen tried his best to act as a good lover, within the stipulated time limit.

    "What? I haven't redecorated here for a long time." Zhou Ziqing had already brought over water, which was lukewarm water. Seeing that Liao Chen was still looking at the room, he said.

    "Very good." Liao Chen turned his head with a smile, nodded to Zhou Ziqing, and made an evaluation.

    This place is really good, at least much better than the small rental house of the original owner.

    Zhou Ziqing sat on the sofa beside him, and he didn't know why, he was obviously in his own home, but Zhou Ziqing always felt a little indescribably restrained, watching Liao Chen drinking water, his throat was beating slightly, somehow It reminded me of a dream that I hadn't thought of for a long time.

    The same is true of Liao Chen in the dream, his every move is like a magnet attracting his gaze, Zhou Ziqing's irresistible temptation exudes from his whole body, making Zhou Ziqing stare blankly at Liao Chen suddenly.     

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