Baby River

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They're home but it doesn't get better.....

27th August 2014
Bella's POV
I was in Aunt Emmy's guest room with Grace. I call my aunt and uncle by their first names now. Sarah and Peter love having me here and Grace. Bentley is stuck at home, Kyle is there but he got away with it. Mum and dad blackmailed Bentley, and he's scared. He's planning to escape today when they all go to work. Also, Emmy has set up the spare room with a mini nursery in the room. My baby boy has a cot that attaches to the bed and a changing mat and everything else he will need. Grace sleeps on a single bed opposite my double bed. Grace sometimes slept with me as I would have nightmares and Panic attacks, Nurse Riley was here in London. She came over yesterday, she visited me at home earlier today. She said everything was okay, and she helped me how to control my anxiety. She said it was normal for it to get worse when traumatic things happen, but having others there will help.

4 pm
Bentley had got out, he ran through the door straight to me. He gave me a massive hug and kissed me. I looked at him weirdly so did Grace.
"Bentley aren't you her brother that's incest."
"Nope Bella I know this will upset you, it did for me but then I realized something."
"Bentley what happened."
"Bella Boo I was arguing with mum and dad and they got a box full of mine and your memories. And I found out I was adopted, when I was a baby, my parents, were drug addicted and your parents took me in, well I mean I'm only fostered as they never adopted me. Because when I was 2 you were born, so they forgot. About both of us. But then 3 years ago my real parents died, so I'm an orphan and not related to you at all."
I broke down, my only brother was a rapist I was so gutted and can't believe our parents never told us.
"I...I how but it means I have no one."
"Bella no you still have me, I was the same when I found out you weren't my sister and I felt like I couldn't protect you until I realized because we aren't related we could date. I know it's weird but we have always loved each other and you need someone to protect you and help you and little Bean needs a dad"
He stood there holding my hands and I looked at Grace and Emmy.
"Bella if you love him go for it, it's not weird I promise okay, only for close family. And I don't find it weird I find it funny it's like it was a coincidence."
I smiled and then looked back at Lenny and kissed him. He held me close, then he pulled away and said.
"Bella Rose Field will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes of course I will, I love you."
We hug and kiss again. He puts his hand on my belly and says.
"Hey little Bean, it's your new daddy. I'm going to protect you and your mummy now."
I smile, I know it seems weird but everyone will get used to it.
"Bentley, what's your actual name then?"
"It's Bentley River Johnson. They just changed the middle name and surname on the fake birth certificate."
I smile and go speak with Grace.
"Grace I finally thought of a name."
"Ooh finally, and before you tell me. I love you and I think you and Lenny belong together."
"Aww thanks, Grace, well I think I'm going to name him River Lenny Johnson."
"Omg, that's so cute, after your new boyfriend."
"I've had this idea for ages to name him after my 'brother' but now he's going to be the dad. It fits even better."
28th August
We were out shopping for the baby, I should have been resting but I want baby out. So I was walking around the shops, I needed a wee a lot which was bad when out. Emmy was at home with her kids and Grace was with her boyfriend. So just me and Lenny. We where in babies r us which was the biggest shop in the shopping centre. I needed a wee, again.
"Bentley I'm going to the toilet."
"You sure you will be okay alone."
"Yes Lenny bear."
I walk off to find the toilets I bump into someone and say sorry. I then look up, it's Kyle I gulp and try to walk a different way. He pulled my top and pushed me through a open door. He closed it and I looked around it was a empty shop being redone.
"Oh we are all alone again, your going to get it."
"Please.. I...I'm sorry"
"Sorry ain't cutting it the baby will be the next one to be hurt."
He then hit me and pushed me to the ground, I screamed in pain.
I started crying and I held my stomach, I wasn't going to let him hurt my baby. I then felt a gush of liquid and was in a lot of pain.
Before I could say anything he raped me anyway he covered my mouth as I was in excruciating pain. I was in labour and being raped, I just wanted to end it all. After 30 minutes of being in so much pain he stopped and just walked out. I couldn't move I was in to much pain. My phone was by the door from when he pushed me in. The baby was coming now, and I was alone. I then saw red, I was bleeding this couldn't be good. I was panicking thinking both me and my baby would die here alone. I broke down and was struggling to breathe, but I felt the babies head and I knew I had to be brave and try to get my phone. I pulled myself to grab my phone, I grabbed it and then collapsed. I felt so weak and I had lost a lot of blood. I had the urge to push so I did, it hurt. I phoned the first person I could.
'Hey Bella you okay, I think you got lost.'
'Help Lenny, please'
I just started crying and screaming down the phone.
'Bella oh god I'm coming to find you where are you'
'In a abounded shop by toi....ahhhhh, Lenny please hurry I'm bleeding.'
'I'm coming Bella'
Bentley's POV
Bella called me she was crying and screaming, she was in pain. She was all alone, and I need to find her. I was running and I found it I opened the door and there she was, she could barely talk there was so much blood on the floor. I ran to her and held her.
"Oh Bella I'm here now okay, an ambulance and Nurse Riley is on the way."
"Don't try to talk okay, let's get the baby out and keep you both safe."
Nurse Riley got here first, I was so scared. My Bella Boo was in so much pain.
"Okay You must be Bentley."
"Yes, please help her, she's lost so much blood and can barely talk."
"Okay, let me have a look. Oh god I need to make a phone call."
I was so worried, she came back and told Bella to push.
"Push Bella, Push for me please, we need to get baby out."
"I... can't it hurts."
"Bella I know it hurts and your weak, but what happened before Bentley found you. It's important okay."
"It's okay Bella it's me Bentley just tell us."
"Kyle.. he was here...he..... attacked me in here... then my waters broke.....he then raped me."
I held her as she broke down and tried to push. I want to kill Kyle, how could he do that to her.

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