"Okay. Run upstairs, and put on some jeans." I nodded, placing whatever I was going to put away back down on the counter. I did exactly as she said, feet thumping up the stairs as I crossed into my room. I went straight for the closet, grabbing a pair of loose jeans and high top converse. I changed out of my pajama pants quickly.

I glanced in the mirror, knowing my tank top would do, but hoping for some more cover in case it was chilly. I remembered my sweater was in the art room, and barely used. I tip toed over, still holding my shoes in-hand as I caught it resting on a chair by the easel.

Behind the chair was the window, still shut from the day before. My mind envisioned the day before, when I had been in here with Kevin. The way his words tasted like honey as he whispered them behind me. As he admired my art and talked about watching me paint. When he promised to take me on our first date.

Looking out the glass, I saw his bedroom window. He was in his room, but he was walking back and forth. He had folded shirts in his hands, a different pair every time. He clearly wasn't looking at the window, but I continued admiring.

It caught me off guard. I knew Eva would hate to do everything for him, but Kevin never did strike me as the type to do his own laundry. Or fold it and put it away.

Always something new with him.

I stepped towards the window, half-considering whether or not I should get his attention when he beat me to it. As if sensing my presence, he looked up. As our eyes met I felt the edges of my lips curl up. The memory of his lips on mine from the previous night were still fresh, and I found myself grinning.

My heart skipped a beat. He was holding yet another folded shirt, but tossed it to the side where his bed was out of view. He didn't smile, he didn't laugh, but instead moved towards the window. He gave me a glare that sent a chill down my spine and then, using both hands, closed the blinds.

I stood there for a few second, stunned. I expected him to open the shades, shoot me a smile or a smirk, and wave. He didn't. I waited a few minutes, feeling my stomach sink and the words get stuck in my throat. Whatever semblance of a smile I had, it went away.

I'd like to say I rolled my eyes and walked away, not willing to entertain his whims. Kevin was a wild card. Highs and lows. And I couldn't be bothered.

Unfortunately, that wasn't true. It was the sound of Lara's voice downstairs that coaxed me out of my spot. I broke my gaze from the window as I heard her,

"You ready yet?" I swallowed, blinking absentmindedly before stepping away. As I headed towards the stairs I pulled my head through my sweater and climbed down.

"Yeah! Right here." I announced with a smile, moving towards the door and pulling on my converse. Lara was still up and ready to go, and I didn't bother tying them until we were out the door and in the car.

Riding in the passengers side, I looked at the house beside ours as we drove away, blinking away from it once it was out of view. I knew from start that I couldn't bring down my guard around Kevin, but... that look. It got to me.

What had I done wrong? Last night, we were perfectly fine. He kissed me goodbye. He laughed and held me and asked me if I really wanted to keep things going. He was... perfect.

As we drove up to the Starbucks cafe close by, it suddenly hit me. That's how Kevin was. He'd trap me in for a moment, maybe even an entire afternoon, and make me swoon. He'd make me laugh, and smile, and forget about a time where I wasn't happy in his arms. And then he'd do this.

Or maybe, I was just taking it too personal. Maybe something happened between him and his parents. Him and Eva. Maybe he got grounded. I glanced at my phone, half expecting a text from him to be there by now. Maybe calling off the date. It wasn't. I left it in my lap as I unbuckled, before picking it up as I got out the car.

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