He's always encouraged my love of books.

I nod, my smile growing bigger. "I promise."

I took a seat in one of the plush chairs placed in front of his desk, taking a deep inhale of the room that always smelled like him. Sometimes I would sneak into his bedroom and spray his cologne on me before school. My eyes flicked around the space at the paintings on the wall, each of them bloody and gory but interesting all the same. My favorite one is a human skull with blood dripping out of the eye sockets and a knife buried in the top. The background is dark and there's smoke curling around the skull. It's a little scary but intriguing.

"I didn't get to see you earlier, how was school today?" He asked, bringing my attention back to him as he sat down in the chair behind his desk.

Our matching eyes met and I gave a huff. "Boring. I hate sitting all day."

He smoothed his hair away from his face, his mouth twisting into a smirk. A few of my friends from school had admitted to being scared of Papà, they said he had cold eyes and sharp features but he's what I want to be when I grow up. He's neat and organized, he always looked his best and keeps himself nicely groomed. I sat up straight in my seat after realizing I had been slouching because he never slouched. Mamma says I favor him but only when we're alone and it makes me so happy.

"But your grades are good?" He inquired further. I nodded in reply. "Any more problems with the little Moretti boy?" He arched an eyebrow.

I've gotten picked on for always having my nose in a book since I learned how to read but Paolo Moretti seemed to enjoy it the most, going as far as putting one of my books in the toilet and ruining it. Papà was very mad when he found out and said he would speak to Paolo's father but I needed to defend myself the next time Paolo thought he could bully me. So I did.

I shook my head. "Not since I punched him in the nose."

Paolo took my book and I punched him in the nose and I haven't had a problem with him since.

Papà smiled and I basked in the proud look in his eyes. "Good."

I cracked my book open, my eyes taking in the words while he does whatever he always does on his computer. Sometimes I spend hours in here with him as long as Rafael isn't home, just the two of us together in our own little bubble. It makes me sad it can't always be like that. I want to be able to call him Papà or run straight to him when I have a problem without Rafael questioning things but I promised him years ago I'd continue to pretend Rafael was my father and he swore it won't always be that way. Sometimes I worried if that was really true or not but I trust him so I try my best not to think so negatively.

"I have a present for you but you have to keep it hidden." He said.

My head jerked up so quickly a muscle in my neck spasmed. "What is it?" I inquired excitedly, slipping my bookmark into place before closing it inside the book.

He pulls a box from a drawer and places it on his desk. It's wrapped neatly in dark teal paper with a shiny black bow on top. It's only October, my birthday was last month so I'm unsure why I would be receiving a gift now but I don't dare question it. It's obviously important if he's giving it to me while we're alone.

He pushes it toward me and I gently pick it up. The wrapping paper is smooth beneath my touch, my fingers itching to tear into it.

"Open it."

I quickly rip the paper off, discarding it in the trash before looking down at the gift box in my hand. I remove the lid revealing a shiny switchblade knife. My surprised gasp filled the room, my fingers rushing to dig the weapon from the plush velvet cushion it's placed on.

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