yasuhiro muto

106 6 3

autumn 2001

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autumn 2001

You walked through the streets, your hair messy and your clothes embarrassingly dirty.

The people looked down at you, their faces twisting into a frown of disgust.

You went into an alley, shame filling your heart. You were a mess. You hated when people looked at you.

You were in fucking social agony. Not in the 'teenage rebellion' type of way, in the 'I don't have any money for food' way. You're hungry and you feel dirty.

The sun was already setting and it's slowly getting windy. You put your bruised hands in Shinichiro's old hoodie.

Squatting down by the wall you took out a lighter to warm your hand. Suddenly you were thankful he was a smoker. You just hope it doesn't keep getting blown out by the wind.

"Got place for one more?" A guy with a buzzcut about your age said. He squated down by you and put his hand out above the lighter to warm up as well. The way he didn't even wait for your answer made you mad but you just grit your teeth and stayed silent. You're not in the mood for a fight right now.

His knuckles were bloody and his lip was split, he didn't look very happy. You didn't want him anywhere near you actually, but decided to not be a complete asshole.

"Had a shit day?" You asked. You weren't actually interested, the silence was getting awkward.

"Yeah, you?


Both of you unconsciously slid closer trying to stay warm in the cold wind.

"Got no place to stay?" You asked again, you hadn't t spoken to anyone in days, you wanna talk. Sadly the kid didn't look like one for conversation.

"I presume you don't either?" He licked his dry lips.

"Nah, I ran away from home"

"Me too, let's stay together for a while then"

"You just want my lighter privileges" you joked. Well half joked.

"I got a granola bar, you want some" he wasn't stupid, nothing came for free on the streets.

"Yeah, I'll even let you hold the lighter if you give me half"

Finally some fucking food. It's not a lot, but it's something.

On days like this you want to lay in a warm bath and put moisturizer on your dry skin, the hair you haven't cut in a few months was messy as fuck. This is like the first time in your life you actually feel the need for conditioner.

You'd kill someone to sleep on a mattress.

'Shinichiro is probably losing his mind, looking for me'

Both of you exchanged your items, him holding the lighter, you holding the bar.

"Let's move somewhere, maybe under a roof or something" you suggested, imidiately accepting his company, he's your hobo-bro from now on. The wind was picking up even harder, you're praying it's not gonna start raining later.

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