no break

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You sat there on the couch waiting patiently for the doctor to arrive

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You sat there on the couch waiting patiently for the doctor to arrive. Kokonoi has been trying to reach Taiju and Rindo, but they won't pick up their phones.

Mr Xioa went to meet with his men, a situation like this was a total embarrassment and disgrace. How could they let something like this occur?

Inui gathered the black dragon members to look for the perpetrator along with the Yakuza family.

"Excuse me, miss (y/n)?" A man in his late tweanties poked your shoulder.

"It's not safe here at the moment, boss ordered me to escort you to the safe room"

Oh. You didn't want to leave Ran, but if Mr Xioa wanted you to then so be it. It's obvious he wants you safe especially after he found out the poison was meant for you.

"Ok lead the way"

"We're going to the basement, it's the safest option for now. After everything calms down you can come out" you nodded following him down the stairs, away from the commotion.

You had an uneasy feeling although it was probably just the worry for Ran, Rindou and Taiju. You hope nothing bad happend to the other two.


Since when does this place have any safe rooms in the basement?'

And you were tackled to the ground by the man. Before you could even try to struggle, other men came to hold you down.

You weren't scared actually, you were fucking angry. "The hell?!"

"What the fuck do you think you're doing huh?"

"Shut the fuck up you fucking bimbo!"

'Is that supposed to be an insult?'

Of course you didn't stop, it's like the nr 1 rule in a kidnapping, you shouldn't stop making noise or struggling.

The 'server' started brutally punching your face while the others held you down. Of course you continued to struggle, pulling your face away from his punches and wiggling your body around like a worm, occasionally hitting your elbow against their faces.

"God this bitch is more work then she is worth"

They continued to verbally abuse you, calling you names and such, but it's not like you payed their words any mind.

Finally, after a hard punch to your stomach stole your breath away, your struggle weakened. You tried to curl up into a fetal position but they pulled you back by your hair.

"Come on, take her to the van"

"No! Motherfucker" and your struggle continued. They finally had enough of you and one of them hit your head against the floor hard.

You blacked out for a minute and then woke up, (what you presumed was) about three minutes later.

Your hands and legs were tied up, and your mouth was ducktaped. You opened your eyes slightly pretending to be asleep and tried to take in your surroundings.

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