shin's head

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Mikey wondered. Shinichiro has been out for quite some time, he should have been home at least an hour ago.

'maybe he went to hang out with his friends?'

Oh shinichiro was with the black dragons alright, but they weren't 'hanging out'.

After taking the tween to his shop and making sure everything was ok. Well as ok as it could be, he went back.

God he felt bile coming up his throat.

He was beyond shocked, angry. His hands were trembling. He didn't know what to do with himself.

But most of all, he was scared. His thoughts were running wild. He's never had to deal with a situation like this before. Sure he'd beat up some fucked up men before. He'll admit he did bad things himself. But this was personal. Way too personal for his liking.

'what would have happened if I didn't arrive? Or if I arrived later?'

'has this happend before?'

He couldn't help but think. Had these horrible things been happening all this time and he didn't notice?

He'd have to have a serious conversation with you tomorrow, but for now he hopes you can find a bit of peace. Eat, and then fall asleep with a nice warm heatpack.

Tears came up to his eyes.

Wakasa looked at him wierded out.

"The hell are you cryin for?" Takeomi coughed while taking another drag of the cancer stick he held between his fingers.

He bit his lip. How was he supposed to say this?

"I just found out, a good fried of mine is a pedophile"

The young men looked shocked. Takeomi's cigarette falling out of his mouth.

"What!?" They looked at eachother accusingly. Shinichiro doesn't have any friends other then them.

"I just came into his shop and found him on top of his daughter trying to.... to..." he couldn't say it, the image replaying in his mind.

They sighed in relief. It wasn't any of them. The relief was short lived tho.

"We get it" Benkai looked fucking disgusted. Fucking angry.

"Well let's go then" wakasa smirked, but it was the kind of facial expression that promised death.

"Is the kid alright?" Takeomi put a hand on his shoulder. He wasn't the best older brother, in fact he was a horrible older brother most of the time. In all honesty, he hates kids. But shit, this a whole other level of fucked up relatives.

"I don't know" shin looked down "she said she wanted to be alone, and I completely understand. But..... God I've- what should I do?"

Benkai looked back "I'll tell you what we're gonna do, first of all, we're gonna beat the shit out of him. Second of all, you're gonna give the girl an hour or two and then go check up on her"

"Let's fucking go, the time we waste here is the time we should be killin him" wakasa said, already on his bike.

Well Manjiro guesses shin is probably busy with something, he should go to sleep before grandpa gets mad.


The next day shinichiro was in a horrible mood. He and the others have completely destroyed the older man's store and beat him up the night before, and he'd be shocked if the man could walk right now.

The place he had so many good memories in, was completely trashed. The window he looked out of to watch the passer-bys was smashed through. The table on which he used to drink beer with (f/n) was broken.

The different tools that were kept in the storage were scattered around the floor.

At night he barely slept. He cried.

He took things out of his room and threw them onto the neighbors garden.

"Big bro what are you doing? You know those are the things (f/n)- ojisan gave you right?"

Shinichiro squated down to the young boys height.

"Mikey, promise me you won't ever speak to that man again. Whenever you see him somewhere, leave "


"H-he's a bad person. A very bad person. If you ever see him around anybody your age, come get me ok?"

"Huh? Why is he a bad person?"

Shinichiro gulped.

"He- he wanted to hurt someone very badly ok?"

"Aren't you friends with him? Does that make you a bad person too? Being friends with bad people makes you a bad person yourself, said grandpa"

"Mikey-" his breath was caught in his throat. "I'm not friends with him anymore ok. Grandpa is right. I didn't know- so now that I know - we're not friends anymore"


"That's enough, go play with keisuke or Haruchiyo or something. I have to check up on someone"

This was so hard to stomach for shinichiro. How did he not notice before? He idolised that man. After his own father died, (f/n) felt like a second father to him.

He wanted to be like him.

(Y/n) was at the dojo at least three times a week.

He- how did he not see anything?

He still hasn't talked to her. When he got there, after trashing the whole place and beating the man bloody, she was asleep. Overall she looked better then what he expected.

Still, that doesn't change what has happened. 

He just hoped things would be better from now on.

He hopped on his bike, he'll stop to buy breakfast before seeing you, you're probably hungry.


ʕ⁠ ⁠º⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠º⁠ʔ: sorry for the short chapter, school began again and I have a lot of tests coming up.

Also the tr ending really disappointed me ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ, I'm trying to get over it.

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