where it all went wrong

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(Tw for attempt r@pe)

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(Tw for attempt r@pe)

Believe it or not there was a time when you liked fighting. It was all your life. Yeah- I know. Who would believe such a beautiful, delicate, super hot, fashionable, sexy, smart girl would know how to fight.

Well when you first moved to Japan, you didn't know what to do with yourself.

(M/n) was angry again. She thought the new environment would help you become more feminine. Why couldn't you be like other girls? Why couldn't you be normal? Why was she cursed with such a horrible child.

Everything about you was wrong. From your birth to the way you breathed. You weren't supposed to be a girl, the doctor stated multiple times you would be a boy. (M/n) and (f/n) were absolutely euphoric. A boy.

He'd help his father with fixing cars, he'd always help mommy with heavy groceries and he'd protect the younger siblings both parents were already planing. 

A total mommy boy.

But their child wasn't a boy. It was a girl.

Ok, not ideal. But they'll make it work. The little girl will be a little princess. She'll wear dresses and be good at dancing and playing instruments. They'll go to her ballet performances and Talentshows.

She'd help mama in the kitchen, get picked up from school by Papa and be a role model for her younger siblings.

Exept that that never happend. The child was a girl but acted like boy. Whenever her hair got to a certain length she'd cut it off. She always played with boys and rolled around in dirth.

Her younger sister by 3years was way better. She was so pretty and dandy. Skinny and small. Delicate and opposite of you.

Mother disliked you from the start, even if you were boyish you were still a girl. She hoped you'd grow out of it.

Most of your childhood consisted of your mother criticizing you. Your dad was barely ever home but when he was, he wasn't as harsh.

She hated that you liked (f/n) more then her. Girls were supposed to like their mothers more. You should look up to her.

You were ten when you moved to Japan. You already got your period and your chest was already growing a pretty decent size. You looked at least 13.

By that time (m/n) already didn't care. She had other kids, why would the first one, the one that came out wrong, be important. You were obidient enough always doing chores, and you were good at school.

She didn't care but she could excuse your disgusting behaviors, looks and likes. For a while you stopped rolling around in mud and started concentrating on learning.

She was finally ok with it. But then once you moved to Japan your boyish behaviours happend again. On your first day, while being out with your sister some boy started bullying her. You came back with a black eye.

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