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Today was the first day you could finally go back to school

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Today was the first day you could finally go back to school. And it was coincidentally also the day all of you would get the results of the exams.

It was no coincidence, you would rather die then miss this. You needed to know if your hard work has payed off or not.

Literally imagine if all of your hard work was for nothing.

Instead of listening to the others who told you to stay home (everyone (haters)), you went to school. You were feeling a bit better but only barely. You already missed over a week of school.

Your face was still messed up but the bleeding stopped. So that was a plus you guess. Your face was still completely swollen tho.

Obviously you got stared at the whole time. On your way to school, by the entrance, in class, at lunch.

At lunch you ate (😝) and then quickly ran to where the results would be.

The results showed the top fifty in the whole school and top ten in each year.

Your eyes blew out of their sockets as you stared at the results. You're first in your year and number three over all in the whole school. Usually only the third years would get into the top fifteen of the school. You snapped a pic to brag to the others.

Oh. Em. Gee.
A photo of you will be uploaded on the school website because you're first in the year and the top twenty in school win a money prize.

Nr 1 gets 20k ¥, nr 2 gets 19k¥, nr 3 gets 18k¥ and so on. Boom your bills are paid. (Kinda)

Learning really was worth it, now you have bragging rights.

The principal called all the top five in the respective years and top twenty in the school to his office after lunch. He handed out the prices and helped a little speech about bringing honour to the school by your role model behaviour.

He side-glanced your face afterwards.

"We will take a photo at the end of the week so come looking presentable"

He side-glanced your school uniform.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think (l/n) should be in the photo"


An upperclassman spoke. He looked pretty average but his voice sounded mean. You looked at him confused.

Some upperclassmen seemed to agree with him, they looked at you as if you were the most disgusting thing they have ever seen.

"She'll just bring shame. I mean...look at her! Ha! She looks like a whore, I don't know how she managed to cheat her way through.

Her appearance will bring down our schools rep. And let's not even start talking about what's going on with her face"

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