pretty gang boys

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"Dude I'm so bored right now"

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"Dude I'm so bored right now"

You whispered to the flustered Toman member you were literally putting all your bodyweight on.

He was tall and a bit lanky, probably about eighteen/nineteen years old, you noticed he had a nice motorcycle.

It was the middle of the meeting and it was so boring. They weren't even talking about other gangs or something.

"Hey wanna have some fun behind the tree?" You bit his earlobe. "Ah!" He squeaked.

You laughed out loud at his startled reaction. He looked like he was about to shit his pants or something. "N-no I n-need to listen to this"

"No, you need to listen to me handsome, I'll show you something nice as a reward-"

"(Y/n)-senpai!" A disappointed voice sounded through the crowd.

"A-ah!" The boy ran off to the others.

"Stop traumatizing my devision members (y/n)-san" mitsuya pleaded. Someone must have snitched and informed him.

He remembers you getting your hands on Hakkai once and the poor boy didn't attend the next five meetings.

"Oops sorry mitsuya. I didnt know you were here"

A tick mark appeared on his forehead " you're sorry you got caught by me?"

"Yes sir"

"Anyways I think Mucho wanted to speak to you. He told me to get you"

"Oh thanks love"

You made your way to the fifth devision and up to him.

"So what did you wanna talk about"

His eyebrow rose. "Huh? I'd didn't wanna talk to you about anythin"

"Mitsuya said-"

Oh. He tricked you so you'd leave his boys alone.

Mucho caught on and laughed at you. " He probably doesn't want a second Hakkai incident"

"I didn't even flirt with the kid, I literally asked him what time it was and he froze in place. I barely looked in his direction. Not my fault my beauty is so dashing"

"Yeah- sure" he didn't believe you.

"Mucho get me out of here I'm bored"

"Can't you wait like 15 more minutes?"

"Fine" you wandered off to the second devision again to search for new prey.

Finally you saw a cutie to 'traumatise' as mitsuya would call it. So you made a game out of it. How many can you flirt with till you get caught?

"Hey darling wanna come home with me?" You latched onto the unsuspecting member's arm. He was a bit older, he didn't seem familiar maybe he was new or something.

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