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Today, my boss seemed determined to test the patience of everyone in the office. It felt like treading on eggshells as he erupted in anger at the slightest misstep, creating an atmosphere of tension.

''What are you doing?'' The familiar phrase echoed through the workspace, signaling another bout of frustration.

''Not like that,'' he yelled at yet another employee, his temper escalating.

''Why don't you underst-'' he began, only to be abruptly cut off as I stormed into his office.

''Sir,'' I paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, ''Arthur, can't you see that you're scaring them?'' I scolded, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at him.

He lowered his head shyly. ''I'm sorry, Ma'am,'' he uttered in a subdued voice.

''Next time, if you're frustrated... Just stay home,'' I said, feeling upset about the workplace tension.

He nervously twisted his fingers. ''Yes, Ma'am.''

As I entered, the employee who had been on the receiving end of the scolding hastily left the room.

Oh, did I mention that my boss is also my husband? The added twist of navigating a professional and personal relationship certainly makes for an interesting day at the office.

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