The Echo of Christmas #19

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Isabella Hart's life had taken an unexpected turn. At 26, she found herself living in the shadow of a marriage that had ended in heartbreak. Her divorce from her husband, an affair that had unfolded on Christmas Eve three years prior, left her with a profound aversion to the holiday season. The memories of that night—the promise of a future shattered in an instant—made the Christmas season a time of pain rather than joy.

Her decision to avoid celebrating Christmas was deliberate. Despite her parents' attempts to coax her home, Isabella chose to remain in her penthouse, located two hours away from her parents' house. She continued her tradition of buying gifts for her family and placing them under the Christmas tree, but she stayed away from the festivities, shrouded in her own silent sorrow.

Her new marriage to Sebastian Mancini, an arranged union, was marked by its own set of complexities. Sebastian, who had been seeking a mother figure for his 3-year-old son, Matheo, had not anticipated that their marriage would bring the warmth and connection he had hoped for. The emotional distance between them was palpable, leaving Isabella to navigate her role with both apprehension and a flicker of hope.

Two weeks before Christmas, Isabella's father-in-law, Renato, shared a revelation that pierced through the veil of her daily routine. During a quiet afternoon visit, Renato confided that Sebastian had abstained from celebrating Christmas since his ex-wife's departure. The memory of her leaving him on Christmas Eve, the day they were supposed to marry, haunted him deeply. Despite his efforts to maintain some semblance of normalcy for Matheo, Sebastian's heart remained heavy with the pain of that memory.

Isabella, moved by the revelation, resolved to make this Christmas special for Matheo. With Sebastian away in Australia for a crucial business deal, she seized the opportunity to transform their home into a festive haven. She adorned the entire house and garden with Christmas decorations, a task she undertook with both excitement and trepidation. The house, now gleaming with lights and adorned with tinsel, became a beacon of cheer that contrasted sharply with her own feelings of melancholy.

To support her efforts and to ensure that Matheo would have a festive Christmas, Isabella invited her in-laws to stay with them until the New Year. Although they were enthusiastic about the celebration, they couldn't help but worry about Sebastian's reaction upon his return. Despite their concerns, they chose to remain hopeful, sharing Isabella's desire for a joyful holiday.

Sebastian's return was a highly anticipated event, especially for Isabella. She had meticulously prepared for his arrival, cooking his favorite dish—beef lasagna—and eagerly awaited his reaction to the Christmas decorations and the presence of his family. Boris, the driver, picked Sebastian up from the airport, the tension palpable in the vehicle. Boris braced himself for what was to come, knowing that Sebastian's reaction to the festive transformation of their home could be unpredictable.

When Sebastian arrived home, he was greeted by a burst of Christmas decorations that instantly stirred memories he had tried to bury. The front yard was a vibrant display of holiday cheer, a stark contrast to the emptiness he had grown accustomed to. His anger flared as he questioned who had dared to transform his home in such a manner. Believing that his family had overstepped their bounds, he assumed Isabella was behind the elaborate display.

Entering the house with a stormy expression, Sebastian was met with additional Christmas decorations that only fueled his frustration. Despite the absence of the decorator, he was guided by the sounds of lively conversation and the joyous presence of his family. Matheo's enthusiastic greeting briefly softened his anger, but the sight of the holiday decor served as a painful reminder of his past.

After a family lunch, Sebastian, unable to bear the emotional weight of the decorations, decided to retreat to his office. He informed his family that he would return only after New Year's, preferring to spend the remainder of the holiday season away from home. Renato conveyed the news to Isabella, who was disheartened by her husband's continued emotional distance.

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