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Just starting to officially date Henry, the hockey team captain, I stood by the bleachers, watching the team finish practice. A smile graced my face as Henry skated off the ice toward me.

''Oh, come on, man,'' his teammates surrounded him.

''Yeah, you never hang with the team anymore,'' one of them remarked.

''Hi, love,'' Henry muttered, pulling me into his chest for a kiss.

''Oh, I see,'' one of the guys quipped. ''She's got him wrapped around her finger.''

''Dude, what happened to bros before hoes?'' he added, and laughter erupted from Henry's teammates.

Henry joined in the laughter, walking up to the one who made the comment - Adam Samson. However, the laughter ceased as Henry confronted him, delivering a punch to his face.

''Henry,'' I screamed, covering my mouth.

''Call her a hoe again, and this BRO,'' he emphasized, ''will kick your ass.''

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