Chapter Four: A Pressing Engagement

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"Oh, you're tough. You're a man, you're so tough, I'm shaking." Bulk said. Skull laughed. "Hey, Bulk. You tickles?" Jason questioned, he tickles Bulk. Bulk begins laughing uncontrollably, he lets go of Jason. Jason accidentally steps on his foot, when he was let go. "Oh! My foot!" Bulk cried, he squatted and his jeans ripped, "My pants." He said.

Everyone laughed a bit. Bulk gestured for Skull to went towards him. Skull went behind Bulk and tries to pull his jeans up, only for it to break more and fall. More people laughed. Skull ran away. Bulk tries to chased after him, but fell. Everyone laughed more. Bulk quickly stood up, and ran away.

"I told you I could handle it myself." Jason told us. "Hey, nobody said you couldn't." Zack said. "Nobody said anything about that." I said. "Yeah, that's right. Besides what's wrong with getting a little help form your friend?" Kim asked. "Nothing. Unless you're trying to break the bench press record." Jason said. The three of us agreed.

Jason's communicator beeped, he covers it and I covered it. We saw Ernie holding the tray of shakes. "Um, new watch." Zack told Ernie. "Yeah, bye." Kim said. We quickly went away. "Um, put it on my tab." Zack told Ernie, he went with us. "Wh-Where you guys going?" Ernie asked.


The four of us were at the lockers, seeing no one around Jason answered his communicator.

"Zordon, we read you." Jason said. "Power Rangers, Rita Repulsa's at it again. It is imperative that you teleport to the children's theatre in the park, immediately." Zordon told us. "What's going on?" Jason asked. "She has sent down a team of Putties and an unknown monster in an attempt to gain control of the park. Be careful, and the the Power protect you." Zordon said.

"It's Morphin' Time, guys." Jason told us.






The four of us Morphed, and appeared at the park. Putties appeared, and we begin attacking them. "Let's finish these, Putties!" Jason said.

"This is weird, it's almost like they're after something!" Kim said. The putties were surrounding her. "We are!" King Sphinx said he blew Kim away.

Jason, Zack and I were still fighting the Putties. "Oh no!" I exclaimed, seeing Kim gone. "What happened to Kim?" Jason asked. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out!" Zack said, he fought the Putties, "Where's Kim?" He questioned Squatt and Baboo. "We're not telling!" Squatt said. "Oh yeah?" Zack said, he went and attack them.

"It wasn't them, it was the Sphinx!" Jason told him. "You know, the onw with wings?" I asked. "Where is he?" Zack asked. King Sphinx blew Zack away, leaving me and Jason the only two there.

Jason and I were fighting the Putties. "I don't think, I like what he's doing!" I said, while fighting the Putties. "Stay behind me, Hope!" Jason told me, and he stood in front of me.

"Uh-oh, Sphinx can't get rid of the Gold Ranger!" Baboo exclaimed. "It doesn't matter, Sphinx can just take care the two of them! They're not so tough now!" Squatt said.

"Bring our friends back!" Jason said to King Sphinx. "Yeah! Bring them back!" I said. "No way!" King Sphinx said he attacked us, Jason and I dodged.

Jason and I got out our Power Weapons and attack King Sphinx. Jason attack King Sphinx, while I blocked his attacks. It proved to be a bit difficult to block, as Jason was moving around a bit. The three of us block each other attacks.

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