chapter twenty two

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twenty two

Hours. I had been sitting outside of the meeting room for hours. I may have been over exaggerating, but it seemed that I haven't seen Harry's face for the longest time. I understood that they were conversing over serious topics, but was their discussion as serious as they made it out to be? As confidential?

The receptionist were quite interesting, also very annoying. They spoke to each other about the men in the meeting, I heard Harry's name come up a few times. They'd occasionally ask me if I wanted to be apart of their childish conversations, but I refused. They worked in a professional environment, therefore they should have been doing their jobs instead of gossiping.

I shifted in the chair I had been seated in before, all of the other seats were taken by all of the suited men that were waiting for the meeting room to be available. I hadn't moved out of the seat since Harry and I got here. I leant over and took a close look at a few magazine covers with beautiful women on it. I grabbed one and held it up to level my face with the cover. I read the cursive font, my eyes wandering from the title to the subtitles. Celebrities that I'd never heard of before were getting quite the publicity.

Just as I began to turn the cover page, I heard the clicking of the meeting door and I sat up straighter. The receptionist's eyes widened and they turned in their swivel chairs to face their computers instead of each other. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the opening door. I heard chuckling, men telling each other jokes- some were rushing to leave the building. I waited for Harry to walk past that door frame, but he never did. I groaned, hesitantly standing from my seat and walking towards the meeting room that everyone had cleared out of.

Harry was hunched over a pile of papers on the long table, his eyes scanning over each word. I walked towards him, standing next to him.

"How much longer were you going to make me wait?" I bit my lip and set my hand on his shoulder. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked frustrated. He picked up a few papers and stared at them closely, seeming to observe. I looked over his shoulder at the paper, the letters were much too small for me to read from where I'd been standing.

He didn't answer me, setting the paper down and pulling back a seat to sit in. I turned to look out of the door, the two women staring with intensity. I cringed and stalked towards the door, closing it and disabling their eyes from seeing past the door. I turned back towards Harry, he had a pen between his teeth as he sorted out all of the papers. I sighed and walked back to the table, taking a seat next to him. I set my elbows on the table, watching him.

I reached across the table and placed my hand on the back of his neck. He looked up from the papers and his eyes met with mine. He sighed, "Please. Baby, I'm trying to work." His eyes darted back to the paper.

"Can't you do this at home?" I questioned, pointing.

"I'm not suppose to take the paperwork home." He sighed and picked up his pen to scribble down a few words on a paper.

"So... How long is this going-"

"Fuck! Don't fucking question me about how long I'll be, you had the choice to stay home!" He yelled and pulled my hand away from his neck forcefully. I gasped, standing up from the seat. He looked up at me, anger clear on his features.

"Sorry." I spat, insincere.

He threw his pen down and stood from the seat, "What was that?" He questioned. He walked towards me, his chest hitting mine.

"I said I was sorry." I rolled my eyes.

He rose his hand and I flinched, but he reached behind me to shut the curtains. My heart dropped to my stomach when his hands roughly grabbed onto my hips. He crashed his lips into mine, kissing me hungrily. His tongue slid past my lips and he pushed me back until my back hit the door.

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