Last time we'd been here Lexi kind of still hated me.

Now, I'd kissed more naked skin of hers than I ever thought I would.

And was it just me, or was it getting hotter in the tent?

Maybe I really should stop thinking about kissing my girlfriend right now. I should be letting her sleep, not wake her up to join in my lack of self control.

I started to try to recite the periodic table, which was not something that came naturally to me, so I really needed to think about it, and fortunately, it helped in calming down my hormones.

It was a good thing too, because a few minutes later, Trevor's head suddenly popped in our tent through the quickly unzipped opening. "DID YOU GUYS FUCK?"

Lexi got startled awake by the shouting.

I let out an exasperate breath, letting go of my girlfriend to look at the idiot twin. "What would you have done, if you'd just popped your head in here and we were going at it?"

"It was a price I was willing to pay. Anyway, we all know you two aren't getting it on yet. You're still too worked up."

"Hey, Trevor," Lexi said, and threw something at him—I was pretty sure it was a rolled-up sock, "keep talking shit like this and you'll see what price you have to pay."

Trevor grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Are you on board with this Blakey-Boo?"

I just glared at him, swatting at his face, but missing him since he was dodging y attacks. "Get the fuck out."

"THEY'RE STILL NOT FUCKING!" Trevor yelled, the second his head was out of the tent, and he was getting away.

"Jesus..." I whined.

"See, we really need to step up our game so they stop annoying us," Lexi said. She was sitting up now, the nice little cozy moment over.

"Don't you know our friends?" I snorted as I asked my girlfriend, sitting up too. "Whatever we do, we're going to get harassed. You think they'd leave us in peace if you actually did get it on? It would be just as bad."

"There is no harm in trying to see if you're wrong?" Lexi asked with a wicked grin.

"Get away from me you vixen," I told her, and got out of the tent, making my girlfriend laugh.

I was instantly hit by the cold morning arm, and wrapped my arms around myself. Lexi was out of the tent, seconds later, so instead I went and wrapped my arms around her.

I just walked around, back hugging Lexi everywhere kinda walking like an automaton that could not bend their knees. I probably looked like an imbecile, but as long as Lexi wasn't swatting my arms away, I was going to stay comfortably like this.

It seemed to amuse my Pumpkin greatly.

Everyone was kind of walking around like they were zombies in the morning, looking a little too tired. The night had been really cold and no one had slept properly.

"It might have been a little late to in the season to come to the Creek," Alex pointed out.

"Shut up, you had someone to cuddle in your tent," Peter whined, looking like he was wearing three hoodies.

"Stop complaining, I offered to hug you last night," Trevor told him and got flipped off as a response, making everyone around chuckle.

Slowly, everyone around started to gather their things, getting ready to leave. I assumed everyone just wanted to go back home and potentially go back to sleep in the warmth of their own houses.

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