Izura explains her story

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All Might couldn't believe it as everyone wants to know what's going on and Shota promises to ask when's she more calmer as she's shaking up a bit right now. Bakugou thought it's his fault she's dead while Uraraka had tears in her eyes.

Once Izura had came back to the dorms, Uraraka hug jumps her as she apologies, blaming herself for her death making Bakugou and All Might confused as Izura's in her true state which freaked out her family and Inko's been arrested for everything she done to her.

Izura knows she has to explain as she pulls Uraraka and sits down while rubbing Uraraka's head as she knees before her. Everyone else sat down on the floor or chair as Izura wonders where to start and choice the beginning.

"Eight or nine months ago, before my birth, mother drugged raped my father and then came back to Japan since she used a new type of drug to make you pregnant in one go instantly. For five years, mother raised me and then the man fully shows up.

He wanted to charge mother for raping him, drugging him and wants my custody, but when I was five, I saw mother kill him not knowing that he had a 'death condition' for his Quirk making her to lie he got attacked by a Villain.

I was left out to not cause stress to me cause of the case of custody fully. Mother started to: one) physically abused me everyday since I was six-years-old. Two) verbally insult me everyday since I was six-years-old. Three) vocal abused me everyday since I was six-years-old.

Four) emotionally and mentally abused me since I was six-years-old. Five) starved me since I was seven-years-old. Six) calls me useless and stupid everyday. Mother hated me since then and I tried to commit suicide to end it all.

But four times, I was saved and I keep getting upset about it as it feels like everyone wanted me to suffer in my life. Only All Might and Mr. Tsukauchi gave me hope and any kind of meaning in life again. I was actually happy for once in my life.

They helped me train my body for six months and I had it activated after four hours to be safe and then I kept it activated, but kept the red vein lines hidden with makeup to keep it hidden. I fully increase the percent every two weeks.

It's making me to be a power house cause of this as I'm at ninety-three percent control of it now. Then the entrance exam as Uraraka's both injuried and fully unconscious. I went on top of her to keep her safe as I stopped the hand.

Then a starburst object hits me in the chest right where my heart is and I started to fade away since my eyes were closing if something wasn't injected into me which's where my markings under my eyes came from. A strong 'gas leak' version's been sprayed in my face.

I also got blinded by something going across my eyes as my body died and only my soul's the one thing holding the hand up. I'd fully unconsciously used my powers to hide my body behind an illusion and punch the robot before I had jumped up.

I kicked it away from us both and then at the end of the exam, I felt a strong pull to something. I showed up in some kind of amusement park and saw where the pull came from before I got stuck inside of it as I saw three disks on the table and there's slots in the head.

I had to use three disks to just hide everything and then went home where mother trying to punch me, but she got hurt instead allowing me to go to my room as I had to figure out everything by myself. All Might was at the entrance exam to see how I did.

I'm sorry for dying in front of you like how your bashi-sama did to protect you as a friend takes you away from there." Izura explains and fully apologies to All Might making him to nod as he can't believe what he's hearing from her as this has to be a dream.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about your home life?"

"Afraid no one would even believe me one bit." Everyone flinched at that as that's not a good thing at all making them to see all of her scars on her whole body plus her 'blind eyes'.

"They also bursted opened even after being healed for years, so their reopened now and fully permanently forever really. Aizawa-sensei's my father's second brother of five brothers and four sisters with father as the second born. So that makes him and Hizashi my uncles.

I also got a whole lot of siblings. Terrance's the eldest, Michael's the second eldest, Elizabeth's the third eldest, C.C as he likes to be called is the fourth oldest, then there's Harry and his boyfriend, Draco. Then there's Marinette and her boyfriend, Adrian.

Then there's Naruto and his boyfriend Gaara who's two years younger than Naruto before me, the baby of the family. Apparently father donated his sperm which's why those three were born before me making all seven of them my half-siblings.

Both Eri and Ero's my cousins since uncle Shota and uncle Hizashi has their custody now. Approximately, there's a curse on the family cause of father, so if anyone dies with his blood or marries to him, will be like how I am. Plus the animal features if they possess any kind of animalistic animatronic."

"What do you mean by possess an animatronic?" Izura had Uraraka on Iida's lap and then stood up before going Lolbit and then she comes out of Lolbit with the same ears and tail as Lolbit fully and she's shocking everyone.

"Lolbit and me see each other as siblings plus Lolbit's gender's yes or a natural hermaphrodite like angels and can switch between both genders. Glad Lolbit helped raid the buildings after fighting Overhaul. Uncles, did father really kill Overhaul?"

"You got it, listener! He didn't like what happened to both little Eri and Ero one bit. Apparently Overhaul didn't even realized he killed them and now they're stuck with us fully. They both have Pegasus twin Animatronics to fully possessed to stick with us more."

"Oh goody goody! I can sic Eri onto Kota then and get them to date then!" Izura said as she flies outside.

"IZURA, NO!" Shota shouts as he flies after her fully fast and he had showed that he's also dead as well, too.


"Sho lost this one very deeply I'm afraid there, listeners. Who wants a tour of the park? Free of charge."

Izura Afton, Lolbit's soul (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now