Beaten Overhaul part 1

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Izura went with Togato and once she saw Sir Nighteyes... She's fully scared as she doens't like him very much making her to remain fully behind Togato making him to fully wonder what's going on until he saw her eyes and he's quick to call Shota.

Togato fully left her fully with Sir Nighteyes all alone making him to noticed that he can't see her very future at all as Sir Nighteyes also didn't like it that she's the one who has All Might's Quirk making him to demeaned she hands it over to Togato.

It's making him to be rough about it as she's thrown to the ground and she did the one thing that shocked him greatly as he didn't think she's related to them as he knows he's going to be in big trouble fully for how he treated her in his office.

"UNCLE SHOOOOOOTAAAAAA! UNCLE HIIIIIIZAAAAAASHIIIIII!" Izura screams making both to show up in their animatronic forms making Hizashi to hold Izura in his arms as she's scared making Sir Nighteyes to be very much shocked as he falls onto his bum.

"He knows of OFA. He demeaned I handed it over to Togato-san. He throw me to the ground." Shota's eyes went black with a white dote making Hizashi to calm Izura as Shota's going to kill if he even did anything else to her making it to be bad for him.

"You touch our niece again, Sir Nighteyes and I'll kill you where you stand!" Shota and his insane side shouts before both left with Izura and Togato heard everything making him to be very mad at his mentor. Izura's fully wrapped up in a blanket and has some hot chocolate to drink.

"I can't believe the nervous of that human!" Shota shouts as he hates him very much for throwing his niece to the ground like that and demeaned she hands over the Quirk to Togato not knowing that the Quirk is stuck with her fully now.

Shota's animatronic were human in appearance, save for the cat like ears on his head and tail attached to his back. It had soft long brown locks in the back, but has dark and short in the front. It's taller than Shota's height by twenty inches.

It had mixed optics, one brown and the other grey. The sailor uniform were dirty and ruined, most likely from being out in the harsh weather, his face and joints were coated in a layer of mud. Izura glitches a bash bin and a cloth to clean her uncle Shota off.

Hizashi's animatronic's a rare blue cockatoo with blond colors at the tips of the wings by two inches before white filled in with black at two inches each. Looks a lot like Chica, the Chicken for the body, but it's more the line of a different bird plus male.

It's taller than Hizashi's height by thirty inches and also had mixed optics, one greenish-yellow and the other red. The jungle tour guide uniform were dirty and ruined, most likely from being out in the harsh weather, his face and joints were coated in a layer of mud.

Both animatronics have sharp claws/talons making them to be deadly if you pick a fight with them as Izura then cleaned her uncle Hizashi off making them very clean while All Might is fully letchering Sir Nighteyes on the phone.


Izura saw a small female and male child, who has a small horn on the right and left side of their heads with rag clothing on their bodies, bandages on their wrists and ankles as she saw they're being chased making her to pull them behind her and keep them hidden from the man.

Izura saw a small female and male child, who has a small horn on the right and left side of their heads with rag clothing on their bodies, bandages on their wrists and ankles as she saw they're being chased making her to pull them behind her and k...

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(AN: Only one I could find)

He finds her and Izura jumpscares him scarring him as he took the children away making Izura to be fully upset as she had almost had the children safe making her to be upset as she jumpscares once more, but louder making Shota and Hizashi to run to her.

"Izura!" Shota shouts as he gets to her first.

"What happened?!" Hizashi asked as there's no way Izura would do that a second time without a good reasoning behind it.

"A man's chasing two children around and I lost them! I kept hearing their voice to save them! We have to get them out of there!" Izura explains everything making them to call Mr. Tsukauchi for help as this is a major thing. unluckily, Sir Nighteyes' on the case.

Mr. Tsukauchi asked to join in making the other three to come as well as this is critical for them as Izura stays behind Shota making her to hate Sir Nighteyes greatly as Hizashi explains for her making many to see her looking scared at Sir Nighteyes.

"I see. It could be his children or children he found on the streets." Izura whispers into Shota's ears that it's neither.

"She doens't think it's either one of them since the children looked scared of everything and even flinched in her hold. They've been abused and most likely locked up meaning they've both escaped multiplying times." Shota said making Sir Nigtheyes to nod.

Izura hates this before she sensed her insane side's now awake. She has what looks to be a pair of burnt versions of her wings with claws for hands and has a insane look in her eyes before she saw that the claws are black with red lightning zapping around her body.

Izura knows she has green lightning around her body cause of OFA when she uses it, so her insane side has red instead of green making her to be interested in her, but for now, she needs to know what her insane side what's with her first fully.

"I see I get to meet my sane side. How nice." Izura doesn't fear what's part of her as what's the point of doing that if you'll just fear yourself making her insane side to chuckle amused by her thoughts as she sees her memories to formalized a base on her sane side fully.

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