I-The Big Announcement

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Sophie's Pov

"YOU WHAT?!?!" I screeched when I heard the news. I was playing with Iggy's ice blue crimps when Mr. Forkle called a mandatory meeting under Calla's panakes tree. 

"Hold on, lemme get this straight. You want US," Keefe said, gesturing to the 9 of us, "to go to New York on a mission in the forbidden cities?!" Keefe shouted. 

Mr. Forkle muttered something that started with "You kids...". He sighed and said, "Yes. There have been sightings of the Neverseen there. You also deserve a vacation, so think of this as one."

 I looked at my friends and said "Sooo, what do you think?" Biana, Linh, and Marella all squealed and said, "YES YES Yes!!" Dex, Wylie, and Tam all just shrugged and nodded, and Fitz sent me his movie-star smile. 

I looked at Keefe. He squeezed my hand and whispered, "You deserve a break Foster, just say yes." I smiled and said, "Alright! Looks like we're going to NEW YORK GUYS!!!" 

Everybody started cheering. Tam even cracked a smile. Forkle interrupted us yet again and said, 

"All of the latest human clothes have been sent over as well as all of your jewelry and makeup. There are a few extras that you can bring, so bring a suitcase, I will meet you at the apartment building." He nodded, and light leaped away.

 Everybody instantly went home to pack. This was going to be an interesting year.

Authors Note: Thank you for reading this!! This is my first fanfic so no hate plz!

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