- fifteen.

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Cinnamons POV.
August 6th 2022.
Wedding date unknown.

"So Cinnamon." Journey looked at me and smirked. "Whattttt?" I dragged out preparing for what she was about to ask next placing my book down on my couch. "Are y'all still getting married?" She asked with hope in her face. Shit I haven't even thought about that. I mean everything has been moving so fast lately. 

    "I know for sure Tish wants to get married but I'm still pretty scared from the whole cheating thing." I sighed as she nodded her head in understanding. "I get that and I hope this doesn't sound like I'm pressing you but just think about it. Do you really want to marry her?" The question she asked really made me think. I do..I truly want to marry Letitia.

    "Yes, I do. But we have time don't we?" She lifted an eyebrow. "Tomorrow isn't promised." I facepalmed myself and I went into deep thought. I just don't want to move too fast and it all comes crashing down again. Me and Tish haven't talked about marriage since the last time we were planning. I feel like when the day comes, we'll know it. I just don't know if it's anytime soon. "Y'all probably gon miss y'all wedding anyway, y'all always fucking." I laughed and threw one of the couch pillows at her hearing the door open and shut.

     "Damn y'all are always fighting." Tish chuckled setting down her backpack on the kitchen counter. She walked over in dad jeans and an over sized button up with a black hat looking amazing as ever. "Hi my love." She pecked my lips and smiled. "Hi baby girl." She cooed as Journey gagged. "I fancy you uhh ." She mocked Letitia's accent and I threw another pillow at her earning a laugh from Tish.

    "We were just talking about you." Journey smiled and I gave her a look. "Awe really? All good things I hope." Letitia plopped down in between my legs as her back was on my chest. "Yeah just about marriage and stuff." Journey got on her phone. "Journey please." I said as Letitia looked back at me. There was something going on in her head but I couldn't put my finger on it. Personally, I don't want either of us to be pressured to rush into anything.

"We can talk about it later." I sighed and gave her a reassuring smile.

Journey soon left and it was just me and Letitia. She was sitting on the couch watching tv and I was putting up the dishes we used today. The tv soon went silent and a little while after that I felt Letitia come up behind me.

"Are you okay?" I turned around and wrapped my hands around her waist and nodded.

"Don't lie to me.. you're not good at it." I sighed and looked down.

"I just...Journey really made me think. Forever is such a very long time. I don't want to spend it without you but Tish I'm scared." She lifted up my chin with her index finger and tilted her head.

"Whenever you're ready..I'll be ready. I will wait for you my whole life if I need to." I smiled lowly and kissed her forehead. A grin formed on her lips and she shook her head. "We're already married in my head anyway." She joked causing me to laugh.

That same night My eyes fluttered open due to someone whispering my name. "Princess." The sweet voice said. Since I was laying down, I lifted my body up being in a field full of yellow roses. The view was so beautiful that I looked around in awe. "You've been obsessed with Yellow since you were a child." I looked over and seen my mom sitting next to me. An automatic smile came on my lips being able to see her beautiful face. "This view never gets old." I put my hand on hers as she sighed proudly.

"You did well dealing with all of that." I closed my eyes already knowing what she was talking about. "I'm so glad you didn't give up on her but I'm mostly proud that you didn't give up on yourself." Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them away and smiled. "It was so hard to do it without you." My voice cracked. She nodded and brought her lips to my hand laying a soft kiss on my fingers. I closed my eyes inhaling deeply.

My eyes opened and I was back to reality giving my body a good stretch. I looked at Tish who was scrolling through Twitter snickering lowly at memes. "You are so corny." I teased covering up my chest with the cover since we were both naked. "That's so nice of you Cinnamon." She giggled and then put her phone down. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her warm body. We cuddled as I took in her cocoa butter scent.

"Damn I'm glad I don't smell. You always smelling me like a weirdo." She joked and I snapped my head up from her neck smirking. "Okay panty sniffer." She gasped as she covered her mouth and I laughed remembering the moment I caught her. "Cinnamon you said you wouldn't bring that up again!" She grabbed a pillow and threw it at me but I couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh it's funny?" She got on top of me and began to tickle me. The laughter bounced off the walls of the room until she finally stopped and just looked at me. I reached my hand up to her cheek and rubbed it softly. The rising sun glowed against her skin and it made my whole world stopped. It was a precious moment in time that will forever be stuck in my memory.

"I love you so much, Letitia. So so much." I whispered in awe. "I love you more, Cinnamon Denise."

The Heart Wants What It Wants. (𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.)Where stories live. Discover now