- Twelve.

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Cinnamons POV.
July 10th 2022.

"Oh please come with me? I just want to get some snacks." Letitia begged me over the phone as I groaned loudly. "Fine. But I'm coming out in my PJs." She giggled as she hung up the phone.

    She's been very different lately. Like a kid who won a prize at a carnival and it's been great. Of course I'm scared to get close to her again but I feel it going back that way.

     (Play song.)A couple of seconds of me being in my thoughts I heard a knock on the door. Damn, she's quick. I put on my slippers and went to my door to open it. There Letitia was with a smile as she was in her Christmas Pjs with grinch slippers.

"Awe Tish, you look adorable." I cooed as she tucked invisible hair behind her ear playfully as I laughed. "I couldn't have you out in your jammies by yourself." She turned around already knowing the deal. I got on her back after closing the door. She ran down the hallway as we laughed and giggled like teenagers. Once we got to her car she threw me in the passenger seat as she got settled and drove off.

The bright lights gleamed in the car and it was an absolute vibe. She placed her hand on mine as I gripped it slowly but surely. It was like electricity. She made me feel so alive..more alive then I've felt in a long time. I looked over at her and smiled shaking my head. "You are so beautiful sweetheart." I blushed. "Even in my pjs?" She giggled and nodded. I smiled and looked back out the window letting the lights shine on my skin.

We made it to our local Walmart and got a basket. "Please?" I looked at the basket then back at her and smirked. "I beg you to get in the cart." She laughed and hopped in falling into it busting her ass.

We were rolling in Walmart as she got her favorite snacks. I pushed her down the aisle as people looked at us crazy which is something that they do often. "Ooo get me those." She pointed to the Raisin Bran as I scrunched up my face.

"Tish, be so for real right now." She glared at me as I covered my mouth. "Are you judging me?" I shook my head and laughed while grabbing the Raisin Bran and throwing it at her in the cart. She gasped and widened her eyes dramatically. "You know I'ma get you right?" She tried to stand up but I quickly made her sit back down by running down the aisle while pushing the cart. Our laughs and screams filled the store as we went from Aisle to aisle.

"OKAY CINNAMON, YOU WIN!" She laughed while holding her stomach as I came to a stop. I was so out of breath from Excitement and running. She got out the cart and wiped her eyes before standing with her hands on her hips. She had that look in her eyes.. she was up to something. I glared at her and a couple of seconds later she was running behind me. She had to run track in school because damn she was sure fast. She caught up to me and picked me up by my waist making me screech lowly. She put me down and tickled me against the freezer since we were in the frozen Aisle.

"Baby please stop!" I laughed as she continued to tickle me. I felt like I was gonna piss everywhere. She stopped and just looked at me. There it was. Those beautiful brown eyes. It's like she was locking me back into her trance. My heart rate sped up as she wrapped her hands around my waist. She looked at my lips then back to my eyes.

Fuck just kiss me Letitia.

"I wanna kiss you so bad." She whispered. "Why don't you?" I asked the tone of my voice matching hers.

"Because I want to take my time. If I kiss you again I'm not gonna be able to control myself and I want to show you I have self co-" I cut her off by crashing my lips into hers. Hearing her talk was all I needed to amplify the butterflies in my stomach. I put my hands on her cheeks as her hands were on the back of my head. The kiss was so slow that it felt like we were frozen in time. She pushed me up against the freezer as our lips danced in rhythm and tempo.

    She pulled away and laid small pecks on my lips until she got enough.

    "Oh Cinnamon. I'm so in love with you." I closed my eyes as her hands massaged my head. Fuck it felt better then sex.  If you would've asked me a couple of weeks ago how I felt about her I probably would of said I dislike her very much. I don't know what the future holds but I know she'll be in it.

The Heart Wants What It Wants. (𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.)Where stories live. Discover now