- Ten.

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Cinnamons POV.
June 28th 2022.

        I tied on my silky scarf to get ready for the day. Personally I wasn't planning on doing much but I know I wanted to paint again and I'm finally going to get new furniture. I mean, I have to move on. My heart hurts more on most days and today it wasn't as heavy. Healing is messy but I'm taking it one day at a time.

     After getting myself together, I left the house to first stop by the coffee shop. I adjusted my white tube top and walked into the sweet aroma. I inhaled just to take in the smell. The bell on the door rang indicating someone was walking in and I grabbed my order and turned around face to face with Dominique. Now I know what your thinking. Drag her,whoop her ass and trust I've thought about putting antifreeze in her sonic slush. But in order to heal the right way... I have to forgive her.

    "Hey,Cinnamon." She said sympathetically as I took a sip from my coffee. "Hey Dominique." I was about to walk away until she called me back. "Can we sit down and talk? I mean if you have the time." I tilted my head and nodded as we went to a booth. We sat in silence for a couple of seconds until she broke it.

    "I really apologize. Everything happened so fast..if anything I came on to her. That day we kissed she came to my house to break up the friendship and my selfish ass couldn't stay away. I ruined a happy home and I don't know if I can forgive myself but I sure hope you can." Her voice cracked. She most definitely took accountability of her shit so I couldn't help but somewhat admire her.

     "Look Dominique." I placed my hand on hers. "I forgive you. Truthfully the only person I can be mad at is my Fiancée. When she walks out my door, she was supposed to represent our love and she didn't. Yes you were wrong but I forgive and won't forget." She smiled at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

    "Cinnamon, I admire you. I truthfully do." I smiled at her as I grabbed my coffee getting up. "You take care of yourself, okay?" She nodded as I walked out of the shop.

       "Okay but yellow is a great color! Look at how bright it is!" I was arguing with Courtney over furniture. "Exactly Cinnamon it's too damn bright. Yo house gon look like a fucking school bus." I choked on my spit to hold back my laughter. We continued to walk around and honestly I didn't find anything but kitchen chairs and a tv to replace the one I broke in the living room.

   "So how've you been feeling?" She stuffed her hands in her pocket and looked at me. "You know before healing a wound , you must admit that you were bleeding. Sometimes it doesn't bleed and sometimes it opens and bleeds all day. I'm just being gentle with myself and compassionate because it's taking me longer than I expected to let go.. just trusting the process." I was picking up a lamp as I admired it's beautiful exterior. When I turned around Courtney was still looking at me.

    "Girl what?" I asked and she shook her head.

  "When I first met you.. I saw pain,mistakes and heartache. But now all I see is pride,strength and a lesson learned. I'm truly proud of you." She put her hand on my shoulder and it truthfully brought a smile to my face. That is something that I genuinely needed to hear.

     We left the store after we ordered what I needed. We were driving back to the apartment until my phone began to ring. My heart dropped at the caller I.D : Letitia. I've been treating her name as if it's forbidden.. illegal to say or think. I inhaled deeply to slow my heart rate down.

      I feel like it's gonna take a lot more than a phone call for me to go back to her. Usually I'm not too forgiving and I really don't believe in second chances. But I love Letitia with my whole heart and when I build myself back up again... I might let her come back. She called again and I decided to pick up the phone.

    "Hi." I said lightly. "Hi sweetheart." Her voice brought tears to my eyes. That sweet voice that I haven't heard in so long. "I miss you so so much." I whispered inaudibly but she couldn't hear me. "Um.. I just called to tell you I miss you and I've been thinking about you. I know there's no excuse for what I did but damn Cinnamon Denise.. I miss my wife." Her voice cracked and it seemed like mine got stuck in my throat. I couldn't talk , couldn't think. "I have to go Letitia." I hung up the phone and dropped it on my lap as tears filled my eyes.

     "Most people don't want to hear this, but real relationships that last involve a lot of forgiveness. You have to accept the fact that your partner isnt perfect & will hurt you, disappoint you, & upset you. You have to figure out if you're willing to go through ups & downs with them. Cinnamon you probably thinking that it's not worth it but that's not true. That's the woman for you." I looked at her as tears fell from my eyes as she parked in my apartment complex.


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