Chapter 1

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My eyes linger far longer than they should at the guy striding towards the steps of the private jet. I tugged at my blouse, ensuring I was presentable and not that bimbo he fired yesterday. I needed to get my job back, and I had to plead. Even if I needed to beg on my knees.

Oh, why does it always happen to me?

He halts in his stride when his eyes glare in my direction, and I suck my bottom lip with nerves. My hands trembled, my inner was rumbling, and I was a mess. I opened my mouth, attempting to speak, but nothing came out. The first for me. But that's when my eyes do a double take when I notice the prettiest woman that worked on his office floor. Shona Daily. There's no hell of a chance of ever getting my job back when she's the reason I lost it in the beginning.

She does her smug hip wiggle, flipping her long blond hair over her shoulder as she approaches the jet's steps. Her skirt hugged her thighs, showing all the assets she had to offer to any guy staring at her. Her pale blue blouse is tight, holding her breasts in place, and her makeup is perfect. Everything about this woman is perfect. And I'm the total opposite. Hence why I'm in this situation to start with.

I shook my head as I pivoted on my heels and got out of there with a sullen expression of defeat. I can't believe she played me and took my job.

So I upped my pace and headed to the airport bar. It's where I can drink until I vomit and, hopefully, come up with an idea to get my job back. But I realise it's not that easy... when it comes to Mr Chad Conway. A guy that's way out of my league, with a healthy lifestyle, and a wealthy bank account, and he's hot.

Oh god.
I still gush over sexy guys who have no interest in me whatsoever.


I entered the bar and noticed a few businessmen in expensive suits lounging, drinking the dark liquid they all liked. I take an empty seat and order a large stiff drink of the dark stuff. I wanted something that would take effect soon as it hit my empty stomach.

The bartender placed the glass in front of me, and I curled my fingers around it, raised the glass to my lips as I closed my eyes, knowing it was going to burn like hell. Then, with the rim pressed to my lips, I swung my head back and gulped it in one.

"That's no way to treat a liquor that needs to touch the palate." A male rasped voice says, and I open my eyes. I placed the empty glass on the bar with the money beside it and stood to leave.

Now I needed to hail a taxi to take me back home, but I didn't get too far.

Should I simply settle for what I got? 

Or should I grasp this situation by the balls and demand my job back

A defeated sigh leaves my lips as I gazed at my mobile. What the hell, is my brother going to say? After he got me this job. Guess I need to re-evaluate where I'm going in my fucked up life, god knows I've failed so many times, and let down the very people who love me.



After the night I had, I didn't want to get out of bed, but it's not my bed, it's a guy I picked up at a club and I did it again. One-night stand to drown my sorrows. I do this every time, to hide away from my family and the constant nagging. Yet, I recognise this is all my fault for being too kind and letting Shona take my ideas, but she will come unstuck, when they ask her questions about the ideas. Now that is laughable, and that girl will get karma.

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