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Soft footfalls could be heard as a girl ambled around the hallways, looking for something to do.

She peeked into almost every crevice of the weird-looking hallways, only to notice that there were more rooms than last time.

If it were real life, she wouldn't have believed it, a set house couldn't become bigger right?

But it was a dream... and it was as if the mansion grew from the inside.

So the girl decided to poke around the rooms, nothing really piping her interests until she came across a rather large area.

"A theater..."

It was much larger than what Hitomi and Nako had described, and seeing that there was no other room in front of it, the mansion had two theaters.

The lights were on as she walked in, the feeling of the red velvet chairs plush and soft as she brushed her fingertips across them.

A single spotlight was positioned on the large stage, the girl hesitating before climbing up to stand on the varnished platform.

She noticed a small device where the circle of light was at, startling as it suddenly turned on when she picked it up.

'A... music player?'

The girl glanced around, she fell asleep rather early from school exhaustion.

"No one would be here yet, right?"

She muttered to herself as she scrolled through the list of songs.


'I haven't done this in a couple years...'

She startled as the room dimmed, the spotlight changing to fixate on her.

"Huh... weird, but cool."

The girl set the phone near the edge of the stage so she wouldn't accidentally slip on it, going back to place as she pressed play.

'Do I even remember it?'

The music started, her thoughts disappearing into the back of her mind as she let the music control her body.

If only she knew...

There actually was someone watching her from the far back seats of the theater...




"I still got it huh..."

'But only in here.'

The girl shook her head to clear her thoughts, jumping as someone clapped from the darkness.

Yujin squinted to see in the dim light, "who's there?"

The outline of the silhouette Yujin saw stood up, waving as the figure skipped over.

"It's just me Yujin-unnie~"

'Awe shit- she saw me...'

The puppy startled as the bunny came closer, "W-Wonyoung? Since when were you here?"

Wonyoung chuckled, leaning her elbows against the stage, "long enough to see your whole performance."

Yujin flustered up and covered her mouth in embarrassment, "s-sorry- I didn't know there was anyone here yet..."

The younger girl waved it off, "it's fine~~ It was great anyways, I didn't know you danced!"

The puppy scratched her head, "ah well, I liked dancing when I was a kid... But it's more of a small hobby."

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