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"ID, please."

The black-haired girl scanned the male student's ID, trying to ignore the fact that he was staring at her as she checked out his book.

"Your book is due in two weeks."

"So, Kim Minju right?"

The part-time librarian flinched, glancing up and nodding.

'Why does he have to talk to me, I just want a quiet day at the library for once.'

"You're in my Calc class, right?"

"I-I believe so... yes."

The boy pointed behind him, and Minju looked over to see another boy and a girl waiting off to the side.

"We were going to study together, if you'd like to come."

Minju weakly chuckled, "ah i-it's okay... Thanks though..."

"You sure? I think you'd be good friends with one of my friends over there."

'Nope nope nope nope.'

"Yeah, I'm sure."


The two students jumped as a middle-aged woman came up from behind Minju, "the library is a place to read, study, and check out or return books. If you aren't doing any of that, please leave the librarian alone."

The boy flinched before walking away, "nae..."

Minju let out a silent sigh, smiling up at the woman as she rested a hand on her shoulder, "thank you."

The actual librarian nodded, "of course dear, but you need to learn how to speak up for yourself."

"Nae... I'll try to."

Will she actually try to?


Will she give up because social anxiety takes over her as soon as she tries?


It was already hard enough interacting with fellow college students as a part-time librarian, even if she was just asking for their IDs.

As the older woman went back to the room behind the library counter, Minju resumed doing what she was doing before this event happened, stopping only to help students who came up to her for books or questions.

"I wonder what she's actually like..."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, behind all that silence."

Minju kept her eyes on the librarian's computer, unable to tune out the students' voices as they talked at the farthest table.

"She's so pretty too, her only friend can't be that old librarian."

"What if she's this really popular person online?"

'Definitely not true.'

"I highly doubt it, look at her, she's pretty but it's as if she's programmed to only speak when she's needed. And even then, you can tell she hates talking."

"All beauty and no personality..."

All beauty and no personality...

All beauty and no personality...

All beauty and no personality...

All beauty and no personality...

"Well, let's go, class is going to start soon."

Minju quickly stood up and slinked into the back room when the two students left, the librarian glancing up from reading a newspaper when she came in.

"Can I take a break?"

With one look from the quiet girl's eyes, the librarian nodded, standing up after putting the newspaper away.

"Thank you..."

The librarian pat Minju's back before heading out the room, leaving the angel be as she slumped into one of the chairs.

She held her head in her hands, those words constantly reeling through her head.

All beauty and no personality...

All beauty and no personality...

'That's not true.'

All beauty and no personality...

All beauty and no personality...

'I-I just don't like talking to people...'

All beauty and no personality...

All beauty and no personality...

Minju squeezed her eyes shut, muttering softly, "stop it stop it stop it."


Minju jumped, fishing out her phone from her pocket as she stared at the text.

Hey kiddo, what do you want for dinner today? I don't have a teacher's meeting so I'm coming home right now.

The college junior smiled from her father's text, replying to him before picking up a random book in the room.

'I do have personality.'


'I like to read... There's certain food I like and dislike... I do talk to people... Mainly the librarian, Appa, and my teachers but they're still people...'

~ ~ ~




"Goodnight Appa~ Love you."

"Love you too Minju-yah, sleep well."

Minju sat down on her bed, setting her phone alarm before going under her blanket.

'I do have personality, and people's words can't change that...'

The angel reassured herself one last time, trying to think of other thoughts as she slowly drifted off to sleep...





College junior

Part-time librarian at her college's library

Known as the "pretty but quiet librarian"

No mom

The main librarian is really nice to Minju but cranky to everyone else 💀

Major social anxiety 😀

Struggles to talk to people besides from her teachers, main librarian, and her dad

Relieved when she finds out the girls in IZ*LAND wouldn't force her to talk if she didn't want to, but still makes sure Minju feels involved and with them as a friend

Feels comfortable around the girls

Feels comfortable around the girls

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