Grif Does a Rescue

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Cue Sarge walking up to Temple. Temple is on his computer.

Sarge: You uh... wanted to see me sir?

Temple: Just one second... [whispered] God damn fuckin' pop-ups. If I find out Buckey's been downloading porn again I'm gonna flush him out the pressure lock. Sarge. I thought we should catch up.

Sarge: If it's about Simmons, sir, I've-I've already given him a stern talking-to. Perhaps in a few days, we can give him another chance.

Temple: Yeah, that's not happening. There's... there's just no time! You understand. Our machine is finished, and it's time to see if it works.

Sarge: Mmph... understood.

Temple: Sarge, I really called you in here because... I wanted to see how you were holding up. I-I can only imagine, this must be a... really difficult time for you.

Sarge grunts.

Temple: Speak freely, Sarge, please!

Sarge: Well, it ain't been no cakewalk! But I didn't reach the rank of Colonel by only following the orders I liked.

Temple: Gah, you an inspiration to us all. Which brings me to my point; I'm promoting you!

Sarge: Oh, really?

Temple: The warhead will need loyal and capable leaders. If I had a dozen like you, Sarge, the UNSC wouldn't stand a chance!

Sarge: You can count on me, sir! Does that mean... Am I a...?

Temple: That's right! Super Colonel!

Sarge: Super Colonel Sarge! Ha-ha! Boy, that rings like a bell, don't it?

Temple: Sure does.

Surge walks up to the two, laughing.

Surge: Temple! You need to come see this.

Temple: What is it?

Surge: We have an intruder.

Temple: What!? Why haven't you sounded the alarm!?

Surge: [laughing] It's not that kind of situation, sir.

Cue footage of Grif sneaking around the base, crouching.

Temple is watching the footage, along with Surge, Alan, Phill, Ana, Callie, Buckey, Cronut, Sarge, and Gene.

Temple: Biff...

Sarge: Nah, I'd know that pudgy, out-of-breath waddle anywhere! That's Grif!

Temple: How long has he been at it?

Surge: A while. He's been goin' 'round in circles. [laughs]

Alan: he's a  fucking idiot.

Buckey: The hell is he thinking?

Cue to Grif, sneaking around the base, crouching.

Grif: Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers! Dun-dun-dun-dunnana. Kssh. Uh, this is Snake to Big Boss. No sign of surveillance. Kssh.

Grif walks next to a table with Fish on it, a Metal Gear Solid noise plays as an exclamation mark appears above his head and he turns to it.

Grif: Hello there!

Cue back to the Blues and Reds + Sarge.

Gene: What the hell is he doing now?

Sarge: Snacking. It's amazing he's made it this long!

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora