Nightmare on Planet Evil

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 Tucker is in the foreground, addressing the camera. He appears to be in a severely overgrown area.

Tucker: They say a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Grif wants to quit? Good riddance! I'm sick of carrying his fat ass anyway. Honestly, we could probably lose a few others while we're at it. Donut for starts. Simmons, Alex, Sarge, Lopez. Red Team.  Well mabey not South. We're just being honest, right? I'm the team leader, I'm the one who matters!

Simmons, out-of-focus, emerges in the background.

Simmons: We found it!


The camera zooms in on Simmons, bringing him into focus.

Simmons: I wasn't talking to you, Tucker! We found it, Miss Dylan: another relay!

Alex: (off screen) Hurry up before Caboose touches something.

Dylan andJax  are revealed to be interviewing Tucker.

Dylan: On our way!

Tucker: Are you sure you got all that? I could do it again! I'm always down for another round bow-chicka-bow-wow!

Dylan: (quickly) Nope, we got it. Enough takes. Thanks.

We cut to them inspecting the relay as Lopez, Alex, Donut, and Sarge stand guard.

Dylan: Yeah, this is it.

Tucker: It's just like the others?

Dylan: More or less...I understand what it does, but not how it does it. This and the other relay beacons obviously have been bouncing signal around until it was picked up by Chorus. But these components—I can't even tell what this is.

Tucker: (without skipping a beat) It's a Bop-It.

Dylan: A what?

Tucker: A Bop-It. Some dumb kids' toy. has one.

Ava: He would keep us up all night using a it.

Will: I tried to break it but I couldn't still don't know why Caboose got one.

Caboose: Uh, had one. Yup, he was my friend, but I bopped him against a rock and now he's tiny pieces.

Dylan: Someone is building experimental technology out of kids' toys?

Sister: Why do that make it out of toys I mean.

Simmons: Can you still do your trace thing with your AI?

Dylan: Yeah. Same as before. It'll take some time but I should be able to retrace the signal back a step.

Simmons: And in the meantime?

Tucker: We can take a look around for other clues.

Jax: OR...this place is pretty spooky. I think it would make a GREAT location for a horror movie! I got this one idea about a really fat zombie called Dead Weight...

Simmons: (laughing) Grif, you are perf—

Alex: I know right- oh right

They turn and remembers that Grif isn't with them.

Simmons: ...oh. Right...

Sister: He would suck at it probably.

Sarge is staring off into the distance.

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